Chapter 1 - Dead Eyes

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It's Thursday again.

I have to sleep tonight to get up early, but Thursday nights always scare me. 

I lay my head down and wait silently in the dark room until my mind lets me slip into my Thursday dream. The same dream I had last Thursday, and the Thursday before that for the last 10 years every Thursday I had the same quick dream. 

Here I am again. Still and unmoving, only seeing the land of roses as the figure slowly prowls up to me. 

This figure is another me. She's always wearing the red long flowing dress against the bright red roses which are always blooming. I am wearing the same dress, although I can't move my head down to look, I can see the wind behind me pushing the frilly end of my dress to show me.

I know how to distinguish this figure of myself. She had dead eyes. They're cold and grey. She has a gun in her right hand and walks right up to me, placing the gun onto my forehead as she remains emotionless. I named this figure Dead Eyes.

I hear the gunshot and see the blood pour down over my face, as I fall back I do not close my eyes, the only thing i can move is my face. I can move my eyelids and facial muscle, so as my eyes. I fall back into the same spot I did last time, as my head is facing my right hand which is lightly placed around a rose, delicately touching the leaf as my hand is still and dead.

And here I am again. In the morning. Ten years ago this dream started. When I was 8 years old, one morning on a Thursday, I pulled out a paper and pencil and stared at the blank page, deciding what to draw. I eventually tried to draw a cat, but my hand wasn't responsive and was doing something of its own. It drew a simple rose. That night I had my first dream of dead eyes.

I got up and looked at my alarm clock. I used to expect to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every Thursday because of the dream, but I was wrong, I always wake up at different times. I had woken up earlier than when I set my alarm clock, so I went and got ready for the school day.


Wednesday dreams are always random, my dreams are always unexplainable, just not the Thursday ones. It's Thursday morning and I'm walking to school again. I slept in and missed the bus, so I am walking all the way to school.

It doesn't matter now because it's now just around the corner. I head up the hill and through the gates of Ridgewood highschool. It's not one of those high schools that are laid back and you can wear what you want, go on your phone in class or any of that shit. You have to wear the uniform, even the school socks! The last principal enforced all these rules and was up everyone ass about it, but lately, we got a new nicer principal, he's a bit of a pushover and a softie, but he hasn't touched the rules yet.

The only thing he changed was that we can bring our phones to school and you're allowed to play on it at break time. He didn't change anything else.

Lucky for most of the girls in my class, because they can alter their uniform to look like they just came out of teen vogue. Unlike them, I don't go overboard with makeup and looks, but at the same time, I'm not always paying attention in class. I'm always off daydreaming or sketching little drawings in my school book.

I took my seat at the back of the classroom. I pick the back because the teacher barely checks back here, so I get to draw and daydream back here. The teacher usually moves all the bad kids to the front to keep an eye on them.

"You may sit" Kim Taekook-nim, our teacher sighed. 

We all took our seat, he's the form teacher. He turned to us with his brunette hair and looked over to the door, he beckoned over someone out the door. A boy walked into the classroom, he had black hair and nice eyes. All the kids scanned him over, so I decided to look away, I didn't want him to feel everyone's eyes were judging him.

"Everyone, This is Jungkook. He's the new kid, and I expect you to treat him with respect and kindness." He smiled, then turned to Jungkook and whispered something.

Before long the newbie walked over and sat right next to me. The whole time the teacher was checking the role, everyone's eyes kept swinging over to Jungkook and me. 

The worst part of it was this boy kept staring at me all form class. He was analyzing me and he wouldn't take his eyes off of me. He seemed a bit starstruck.

"Do you mind?" I snapped my head to him. I kept getting nervous, his stare was burning holes through me.

Jungkook took a moment before nodding shyly and looked away. Yet, he kept on glancing over at me. I sighed and ignored the weird new kid.


Lisa ran up to me, wearing an ear-to-ear smile on her face. "Y/N! You're grounded!" she hissed, whipping my shoulder.

I flinched with a smile, "What's my crime today?" 

She folded her arms and fake pouted, "You aren't allowed to sit near pretty boys!" 

I laughed, "No, he's more creepy than pretty." I giggled, the smile dropped from Lisa's face.

She bit her lip and stared at me while we sat down at our lunch table, "What do you mean?"

I sighed, "He stared at me all lesson"

Lisa chuckled, "He's so into you!" he playfully whacked me as we pulled out our lunch boxes.

Three girls then walked up to our lunch table, wearing a million dollar smiles. Lisa jumped, "Girls!!" she giggled, patting the seat, "Sit with us!" they nodded and enthusiastically sat down, all looking at me.

Lisa smiled at me, "I made some new friends today too! We are all in the same dance class. This is Jisoo, Jennie and Rose." 

THURSDAY | jjkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon