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Year 2015

Olympus, New York


It was the Winter Solstice, and none of the Olympians were much too happy about that. To be perfectly blunt, they couldn't understand why Zeus demanded these meetings. It was boring, and be often filled with loads of screaming.

This year was no exception, they flashed in around five minutes before it started, while the Drama Queen himself appeared on the dot. Hades conjured up a throne, and Hestia continued to tend the hearth as Zeus began to brag about the girls he had shagged.

A whirling mass of black portal interrupted Zeus as he began to describe the taste of her lips, and he scowled in annoyance as nine people stepped out. Except for one, everyone wore cloaks, using the hood to hide their faces, the Olympians could only see their mouth. They walked in a V formation, and the one without his hood on walked at the front.

Even without the silver crown, it was clear, by the way he carried himself, high and proud, that he was the leader. He had chestnut brown hair, and eyes the color of melted chocolate, warm and inviting. His feature was sharp and angled, with a high cheekbone and pointed nose. His black cloak swished behind him as he walked up to the Olympians, while the other twelve stayed further back.

"My Lords and Ladies." He bowed, as the portal closed with a snap. "My name is Omega, and behind me is the Elite team. We are here to help you with the war against End."

Athena gasped, her eyes wide with disbelief, "Omega? The Heir to Chaos? That Omega?"

"Yes, my Lady."

Hestia immediately stood up, and knelt in front of him, "then it is not you who should be bowing, but us."

Following the goddess of the hearth, the rest of the Olympians stood up from their throne and knelt on one knee. Even Zeus, who looked very reluctant to do so.

Omega smiled kindly, and helped Hestia to stand her feet. "Please, do rise."

The Olympians returned to their seats, and Athena immediately began to fire our questions. "What are your names?"

Omega grinned, "roll call! I'll start. Omega!"






"Prankster." Two voice said, in perfect synchronization.


Ares choked. "Madness? You have someone named Madness in your so-called Elite Team?"

"And he wants to show you his identity." Omega said, as a warrior broke away from the group.

"Do we know him?" Poseidon asked.

Athena's eyes twitched, "are you stupid, Barnacle Beard? He is from Planet Chaos, of course we don't know him."

She heard the Elite Team stifling their laughter, and turned to look at them with an arched eyebrow, "am I wrong?"

They said nothing, and Omega gestured for the warrior to continue. He walked up to the god of Wine, and knelt.

"Father," he said.

A loud gasp went around the room, and the goddess of wisdom felt her face redden, and looked away as Poseidon stuck out his tongue at her childishly. Dionysus peered at the warrior, before taking a sip from his goblet.

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