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I turned, and found myself facing nothing.

"Omega," the voice said again.

"Who's there?" I asked, even though I have an idea.

The voice cackled, "you know me, Omega."

Dread washed over me, "End."

I reach to unsheathed my sword, and realized that I was in my onesies. I cursed, but tried to look brave nevertheless.

"How are you in my dream?" I demanded, "father send you into the Void a eon ago."

"And I reform, Omega. You should know. After all, weren't you the one that battled Kronos?"

If he knows about my demigod life, what else does he know? "Oops. Wasn't he one of your favorites?"

"Was, little nephew. But now, I got a new favorite."

"Let me guess. Gaea?"

He laughed, sending chills down my back, "oh, little Omega. I can't wait for the day you meet my new host."

The dream faded, and I woke with a start, cold sweat dampening my sheets. Willing my heartbeat to slow, I concentrated on my energy. With a 'pop!' I was in my parent's room.

And found myself in a very awkward situation.

I let out a scream, and they jumped apart. My mother scrambled for her duvet, while father looked annoyed.

"There better be a reason you just interrupted my fun time." He said.

"But first, is it safe to look?" I asked.


Sighing in relief, I let my hand drop to my side and looked at my parent apologetically. "I had a dream."

My mother frowned, "don't you always?"

"Yeah. But instead of rainbows and unicorns, my uncle spoke to me."

The two froze, and instantly, my mother was at my side, checking for any injuries. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"Omega," my father said, all signs of annoyance was replaced with seriousness, "I need to know exactly what happened in your dream."

I told them, watching as their faces grew pale at every word. When I finished, father reached for a piece of paper at his nightstand and handed to me.

"This came into my office yesterday." He told me.

My father had taken away my dyslexia. But the note was in handwriting, which made it just as hard to read.

Brother dearest,

I have grown bored of your petty little universe. Perhaps I will start with your favorite planet, Earth.

Your children has proven most helpful.

Love, End.

"Camp Half-Blood suffered two attacks already. The Olympians begged for reinforcement."

I was taken back, "wait. Like, on their, knees, beg?"

"Omega." My mother scolded.

"Well, no." Father admitted. "But Zeus was the one who actually asked for our help."


He ignored me. "I was going to show you this tomorrow. But, as you can see, that didn't go as planned."

"Nothing like a visit from your loving uncle to speed thing up, eh?"

"Tomorrow, at sunrise, you will, with StarSpeed, head to Earth with the Elite Team to help with the war. You will be staying at Camp Half-Blood, of course."

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