Chapter Two: The Reborn Kaiju

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"Godzilla was a threat millions of years ago, in prehistoric times!" My friend told me, as we got on our flight to Mongolia.

"I'm pretty sure we have the tech to take care of it." I reassured him.

"You shouldn't be so cocky Ben. This Kaiju is massive! It's  500 feet tall and 700 tons!"

"Jesus." I said, slightly freaking out inside my head.

"We don't know all of its abilities yet, but we're sure that it could wipe out most of our current bots no problem."

"Thomas, do you still have any of your projects that Yaeger rejected!"

"Uh, yeah. Why? So you can tease me again?"

"No no, I need them! To see if there's anything I can show the gang in Mongolia that might change this whole situation."

"I dunno Ben, my projects were pretty reckless...and dangerous."

"We need dangerous right now, Thomas. We need something vicious enough that can kill Godzilla before he attacks any innocent cities."

"You make a solid point, but what if it doesn't work, and we openly waste a whole base's working time to design this, and Godzilla rips it apart like the others."

"Then we'll try again-"

"But what if there IS no again, Ben. Godzilla is in the East Coast of the US, and what's stopping him from trouncing over here when he's done, huh? Nothing."

"I know this will work, it has to."

That seemed to calm him down, as we sat in our first class airplane seats.

"Wine, sirs?" The flight attendant asked us.

"Wine for me, and a Shirley temple for the lady." said Thomas.

"Wow." I said, a slight grin on my face.

"We should probably get some rest. It'll help us when we're designing with the Mongolia team tomorrow." he said tiredly, as he lowered his seat so it leaned down like a bed.

"I guess so." I agreed, doing the same as Thomas.

We went to sleep as quickly as our heads hit the seats, and blocked out the distant roar of a massive follower.

Pacific Rim: The Newcomer (Godzilla Pacific Rim Crossover) (Old)Where stories live. Discover now