Chapter Four: Clever Manipulation

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"These beds are terrible." said Thomas, commenting on the condition of the Base room we were staying in.

"It's not so bad." I disagreed, making him roll his eyes.

"I'm just mad, man. How could he reject my designs like that without even giving them a chance!?"

"Because they killed innocent people, and he didn't even fully reject it. He just challenged you." I said, trying to make light of the situation.

"Does that really help me? There's no way I'm beating a genius scientist in a robot duel." moped Thomas.

"He's not as good a fighter as he is a scientist." I said calmingly.

"Please, Anderson." he started, addressing me by my surname. "I haven't fought in almost a decade."

Just then, we heard creaking steps that violently shook, directly above us.

"Great. We have a neighbor." he growled, obviously still angered by the incident.

The base room door suddenly knocking startled both of us.

"Yeah, who is it?" I asked, impatient.

"You two could have the decency to realize the time of your argument, kind sirs." we heard from outside the door.

I opened the door to find a woman slumped against it, holding a whiskey bottle in her hand.

"Um, we'll try to quiet down." I said, trying to reason with her.

"That's what they all say. I never have time to finish my projects." she muttered, her rancid breath flooding the room.

"Projects about what?" I asked.

"Don't give me that, Anderson. I've been trying to find a way to slaughter that hulking beast, Godzilla. I just can't seem to get any work done, with...oh I don't know, loud, rude conversations happening downstairs."

"How do you know my name?" I blurted, barely thinking.

"Where are you from? You don't look Mongolian." said Thomas, still a little stoned from the beer he had hours ago.

"I'm from Costa Rica, and I know your name because..."

"Because?" I retorted.

"Be-" she started, as she slowly fell to the ground, blatantly unstable.

"She should probably stop drinking." said Thomas.

"You're one to talk." I said, making him look away.

"I'm turning on the News." he said, switching on the Television.

The News Anchor sounded frantic as he yelled about something near Mongolia. I quickly put on subtitles.

"There has been a sighting of a Kaiju smaller than Godzilla, nearby the Mongolian Ocean." the guy said with obvious emotion in his way of speaking.

Both of our eyes lay fixated on the screen, as the Anchor continued to rant about the new threat.

"We're done, Ben." shivered Thomas, looking at me, fear in his eyes.

"No we're not." I demanded, causing Thomas to sit up straight.

I quickly looked back to where that lady fainted before the news report. She was gone, and so were the robot plans.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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