Prologue: List in Latin and Esperanto Detailing Inflatable Pools as Essential

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AN: Look, I know it's an 'overused plot', but I wanted to have a go at it my way, and personally, I don't think it's too overused. Besides, I'm going to enjoy this greatly. Valerie is on Team Phantom, by the way, Vlad isn't too terrible, Phantom Planet happened, his secret wasn't revealed, I'm terrible at First Person narrative so I apologise if I accidentally randomly switch (it starts off not first person but ends that way). Tell me what you think, enjoy now excuse me while I eat my apple pie.

On a slightly cloudy and sour day, but otherwise quite a nice temperature, Daniel, or as preferred, Danny Fenton, came to the conclusion that the universe hated him while life had yet to make up its mind. To demonstrate his revelation, Danny repeatedly hit his head on his desk. Why? Because only a few minutes ago, just before he decided to give up listening and doodle ghosts in his notebook, Mr Lancer proclaimed a profound announcement to the class. They were going on a field trip to the Ghost Zone. Naturally, as we've already established the universe's hatred towards Danny (he was rethinking his dream to explore its depths), as a final ton of salt on the gaping injury, for lack of better phrasing that won't have the singular word "language" screamed, the supposed tour guides - though they had never stepped foot in the Ghost Zone before - were Maddie and Jack Fenton, Danny's 'parents'.

"Pride and Prejudice, Fenton! What's gotten into you, you'll give yourself a concussion!" Exclaimed a slightly worried Lancer.

Biting back he retort of maybe wanting a concussion, not that he'd get one from such a trivial frustration outlet, Danny just lets out a weak grin before simply face planting seemingly permanently on the rough wooden surface.

Ultimately deciding to ignore his troubled student, Lancer decided to reiterate and continue, "Once more, this class has been decided to be given the opportunity to take a trip to the 'infamous' Ghost Zone, the event shall last for three days, starting this Friday and ending Sunday. I expect your permission slips to be filled out accordingly tomorrow and handed to me when you arrive at FentonWorks. Pack essentials only." He explained in his usual dull, drab voice before resuming his monotonous English lesson. Basically, instead of doodling, Danny found himself analysing every way this trip could go wrong (there were, quite frankly, an alarmingly too many) alongside a unique list of essentials that looked more like the shopping list of an army (minus the missiles). Also, as a safety measure, the list was alternating between Esperanto and Latin. Anyone would think he was taking notes, albeit frantically. Luckily, Lancer hadn't had his coffee and so didn't quite care yet.


"You're not freaking out about this as much as I thought you would, Danny." Sam speculated, cutting through my daze as we sat down at our lunch table, and what looked like a heap of grass featured prominently on her plate.

Slowly, I turned my head from my scruffy and pencil filled list and looked at my girlfriend of two years. Over time, Sam had changed, abandoning her cropped black for a plain purple tank top and black long coat that was only buttoned in the far frozen – thanks to my ice powers, Sam was able to wear her coat in the summer with ease. Replacing her chequered skirt were black skinny jeans with her usual black combat boots. Not only that, but she'd also added a chocker, black, naturally, and several ear piercings, as well as a nose, piercing, much to her parents disdain. Another thing, due to all the hours' ghost hunting, she'd acquired a substantial amount of muscle, but not enough to change her physique, as well as a number of scars, but easily hidden by her clothing and none marring her face. While on the subject of body features, it may also interest you to know that she also had two tattoos, one on her right shoulder and a second wrapped around her right forearm. Safe to say, the entirety of team Phantom (Sam, Tucker, Danny, Jazz and surprisingly Valerie as well) had the shoulder tattoo as it was Danny Phantom's symbol of a 'P' within a 'D', though everyone except for Danny's were black. Moving on to the other tattoo, it was quite simple really; vines and some dark ruby gems wound their way up her arm.

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