Chapter 14.5: ???

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Two male figures stand around a bonfire. They stare at an image being projected into the blaze.

The image was of an arena filled with hundreds of people all watching a battle taking place at the center of the massive circular construct.

Figure one was a tall, muscular, and tan man. His hair reached down to his knees. A threatening power irradiated off of him.

Figure two was the opposite of his companion. He was very thin, old, and bald.

Figure two: So, when do we put our plan into action? From what I'm seeing in the fire, we have a perfect shot of-

Figure one interrupts.

Figure one: Soon. I want to watch this fight play out some more. The boy has changed since the last time I saw him. His power is different. I wish to see what he can do against this ice mage.

Figure two: Very well then, but we shouldn't wait too long. Your son could end this fight at any moment and we'll miss our chance. You know that.

Figure one grows a malicious grin.

Figure one: Until he regains his memory of what he is, I refuse to call him my son. Hell, he's barely even my son. Maybe being in a location where dragons were slaughtered will kick something up in him.

Figure two: Let's hope.

The Universal Dragonslayer (Fairy Tail x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now