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Ming's POV

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Ming's POV

"Hi I'm a new student here and I'm not sure where to go," I tell the lady standing behind the desk in my new high schools admissions office.

"Oh, well welcome to Wobniar Public High School. You need to fill out a couple forms. Excuse me for a moment," she says walking quickly around the desk and out to the hallway towards a rowdy bunch of students.

I sigh. I never expected to start my senior year of high school in a new country. My mom got offered a translating job in California. It was more pay with less stress so the last few weeks of summer break were a whirlwind of packing and moving us to a foreign country. Rune thinks we are on a grand adventure but I miss home and my friends. I miss Kit. Even though we exchanged numbers I haven't heard from him since he left. During the flurry of uprooting our lives I somehow lost my phone. I didn't memorize his number, because who can remember something like that in this day and age. I tried looking him or Kaari up on Facebook, Line, Instagram, you name it and I came up empty handed. It is hard to believe that they live social media free lives but not everyone registers under their real names.

"Wayo, come here dear. Mingkwan this is Wayo. He is one of our student aids. He can show you around the school and get you where you need to go. Now run along the first bell will be ringing shortly." As if on cue it rings and I can see kids scrambling to get to their classrooms.

"Hi, I'm Wayo but everyone calls me Yo. It's nice to meet you. Are you from Thailand? My parents are from Thailand. I guess that makes me Thai American, but I have never been."

Wow, this kid talks fast and I'm slightly taken aback by his pale purple hair. I'm not sure it's the best color on him.

"Yes, my family and I just moved here a week ago. You can call me Ming."

"Cool, now your first class is math. Mr. Ames is laid back and cool. He won't ding you if you are late to class by a few minutes. This is you and I'll be back after class to show you to your next one. See you!"

It is like now you see him now you don't. I take a deep breath before entering the room as the last warning bell rings. Okay, Mingkwan. Let's make the best of a not so good situation.

By lunch time I'm ready to eat and not think for a half hour. Math, English, Speech, and Economics are all a blur as Yo steers me towards the cafeteria line. After purchasing our food he walks us over to a table half full of guys wearing red jackets. Is he leading me into a cult?

"Hey everyone this is our new transfer student Ming. Ming, everyone," Yo announces.

"Hi I'm Noh and that is Beam and Toota," Noh introduces pointing from himself to the other two.

"Nice to meet you," I say taking a seat between Noh and Yo.

"Oh look who's coming our way. Yuri, the biggest pain in the ass of Wobniar High," Beam groans.

"I thought the biggest pain in the ass was what Forth gives to you," Toota teases.

Beam reaches out and slaps Toota behind the head, "Jealous?"

Before Toota can zing him back Yuri wedges her way in between me and Noh. "Oh I just love the first day of school, don't you?"

"It's the biggest thrill of my life," Beam says sarcastically. The sarcasm goes over this girls head as she sits down only to pop back up with a muffled scream. Noh had set his apple down just as Yuri took a seat. I stifle my laughter because while I find it funny she apparently isn't amused. After casting a glare towards Noh and Beam Yuri sits again but with caution this time.

"They just announced the nominees for student council this morning and guess who's up for vice president!?" Yuri squeals.

"Oh please tell me," Beam purrs like it's going to be the only news he hears all day.

"Me! Isn't that crazy? I wasn't expecting it but I promise to be a great vice president."

"That is crazy..." Beam says rolling his eyes.

Ignoring Beam Yuri barely takes a breath. "Oh you must think I'm so rude not introducing myself to your friend! Hi, I'm Yuri, but you can call me Yu. I know we are going to be great friends."

"Ming, nice to meet you."

"We are down a drummer in the marching band since Earn broke his foot over the summer. You don't happen to play do you?" Yu asks.

"I do, actually. But I have never played and marched at the same time before."

"Oh it's so easy. Tryouts are after school today, 3:30pm. I'll see you there," Yu says excitedly.

I don't recall saying I wanted to be in the marching band, but maybe it will keep my mind off of Kit.

"How was your summer, Ming," Yo asks steering our conversation away from extracurriculars.

"I spent most of it at the beach. Before getting ready to move here."

"Oooo the beach. Did you meet someone special there?" Noh wonders.

"I did, but he was only visiting for a short while," I murmur softly.

"You sound like you won't ever see him again," Toota says.

"I lost my phone and I don't have his contact information. I'm not even sure where he lives here." Somehow that never came up in conversation.

As the bell rings signaling the end of lunch we all get up to dump our trays.

"Does this mystery man have a name?" Yo asks.

I smile. "Kit, Kit Intochar." Everyone around me starts giggling. Is it something I said?

"I think you will find this dream guy again very soon," Beam says with a smirk.


"Miracles do happen."

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