Beauty School Dropout

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Ming's POV

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Ming's POV

Kit and I are going on our first official date since I've moved here. I'm excited and nervous.

"Ming, you look fine," Rune says after I've changed into my third outfit. Is it wrong that I want his eyes to be totally focused on me all night? I think the combination of my white button up long sleeve shirt and black jeans might just do the job.

"You look nice. Hot date," my mom teases.

"He's going out with Kit. You remember. The one we met on the beach," Rune says.

"Oh well have fun and invite him over for dinner this weekend. I would like to actually meet him this time."

"Sure, mom. Gotta go."

I run out the door before Kit can ring the doorbell. My breath catches as he moves up the sidewalk to get to me. He looks incredibly sexy in his black t-shirt, ripped jeans, and bomber jacket.


He takes my hand and leads me over to his motorcycle. Handing me a helmet he helps strap me into it before taking a seat on the bike. As I settle in behind him he turns his head to look at me and I'm not breathing again. His dimples are on full display. I'm glad I'm sitting or I'd be weak in the knees.

"Hold on tight, okay." I slid my arms around his waist and lock my fingers together against his stomach. The whole drive to the diner I rest my chin on his shoulder and enjoy the ride.

Ray's Diner is busy, but it is also a Friday night. Kit stows our helmets away on his bike before taking my hand and leading us into the diner. Once inside I wonder if we are going to have to wait. Almost all the tables are full.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else?" Kit suggests his eyes scanning the area.

"I'm sure something will be available soon."

"I see a table let's hurry. We weave our way around tables full of other students and families reaching a table of two towards the back.

"This is nice and cozy," Kit says bringing his chair over to sit closer to me.

"It is."

"What can I get you kids tonight?" the same waitress I had the other day asks as she stops at our table.

"I'm not very hungry. I'll take a double bacon burger, fries, and a cherry coke with chocolate ice cream," Kit orders.

"That sounds good. I'll have the same."

Taking his hand in mine I'm surprised when he pulls his away. I understand once I hear his voice.

"This place is packed. You don't mind if we sit with you do you?" Forth asks not waiting for a reply two more tables are pushed up against ours.

"No, why don't you join us..." Kit says through gritted teeth.

"Beam can you spot me tonight? I spent the last of my money this month on motorcycle parts," Forth explains.

"You asked me out tonight and don't have any money?" Beam shouts in irritation.

"I'll get the next time."

"You better." Beam picks up the metal napkin holder and uses it as a mirror to inspect his neck. "Hell, where is Toota when I need him? People are going to think I'm a leper."

Taking a closer look I can see Beam has several dark purple marks scattered over his neck.

"Relax... A hickie from me is like a Hallmark card, when you only care enough to send the very best!" Forth smirked.

"You pig!"

By then our food has arrived and four sets of hands start picking at it. Grabbing Kits burger Forth growls taking a huge bite.

"Oh, I love it when you talk dirty!" he grumbles around the bite in his mouth. Beam slams down the napkin holder in anger.

Ignoring the glaring couple I slid the ice cream closer to myself taking a bite.

"My mom would like you to come over for dinner this weekend." I can see the looks that Kit's friends are giving him and his lips have twisted into a grimace.

"I have plans," Kit says flatly.

"We can always do it another time."

"You guys are already meeting each other's parents. What's next an invitation to your wedding?" Pha teases.

"Don't be an ass, Pha. You asked my parents for permission to date me," Yo says slapping his arm.

Yo has changed his hair to a bright pink color. It suits him.

"I like your hair," I tell him

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"I like your hair," I tell him.

"Thanks! I think I'm going to go to barber school after graduation. I thought about taking the program now but I didn't want the workload of school and that to end up making me a beauty school dropout."

"I think you will be great at it."

"What is up with you tonight? If you didn't want to go out you should have told me instead of scowling at me the whole time," Forth shouts startling all of us at the table.

"I did tell you. You don't listen. It's all about what Forth wants. I'm tired of it!"

"So what? You going to do what you always do and runaway from me...again. Why don't I finish with ya this time?" Forth taunts.

Beam stands up abruptly grabbing a random glass. "Finish this, asshole." The contents of Yo's milkshake goes soaring across the table landing right in Forth's face, with some of it splashing on Noh.

"To you from me, shitface. Sorry Noh." With that Beam is gone and Forth is chasing after him.

"How about we get out of here and go for a ride?" Kit says.

"Please." I can't think of anything better than riding around with Kit in my arms.

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