Worst Things I Could Do

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Kit's POV

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Kit's POV

On the day of the charity drag race I haven't seen or talked to Ming in a week. All my calls go to voicemail and when I do manage to get a glimpse of him in the halls he makes sure to run in the other direction. I have never been in love before and it's hard for me to just let go and not worry about what my boys will think. I've seen each of them fall in love and act stupid. I've given each and everyone shit for it to. I don't want to be on the other end of their teasing, but I'm willing to endure it if Ming will talk to me again. This past week has been miserable without him and I miss him like crazy.

"Hey Kit can I talk to you for a second?" Beam says stopping me by my bike.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I wanted to say sorry for how I've been acting lately.  I was jealous.  Back when we dated I knew you didn't feel the same way I did and it hurt to see you falling for Ming."

"I'm sorry for ever hurting you but I knew you liked Forth more."

Beam laughs, "I guess I did or do.  I do love Forth and am ready to make a commitment to him.  There are worse things I could do than finally allowing myself to be happy with Forth. Stop being stupid, Kit, and show Ming how much you love him. You both deserve a happy ending."

"Thanks, Beam. So do you and Forth. Are you coming to the race?" I ask putting my helmet on.

"Wouldn't miss it. See you later."


When I arrive at Motor Speedway it is already pretty packed. The charity drag race is hosted by Motor Speedway every year and they have races between cars, motorcycles, golf carts, and for the kids big wheels. There is a fifty dollar entry fee to race and all proceeds go to various charities in the area. With the different food vendors, music, and racing excitement it is a fun time for the whole family.

"I never should have doubted you buddy. This bike turned out sick!" Pha exclaims.

"That's because you boys could only see what was on the surface. Kit and I knew what was hidden underneath," Forth teases.

"Well you better kick Park's ass because I have a lot of money riding on your race," Pha threatens.

"It's in the bag," Forth promises.

"Find a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck!" Noh crows bending down to pick up a shiny penny.

"Give me that," Toota demands taking it from Noh. "Here Forth for good luck." As Toota goes to give it to Forth he drops it cursing his clumsy hands.

"No worries. I got it." He should have worried because at the same moment he bends down to retrieve it Yo opens the car door right hitting Forth right in the head. Falling on his side we all scramble over to him to see if he's still breathing.

"He's knocked out, Kit," Beam screams hysterically while elevating his head on his lap.

"What are we going to do now? His race is next," Phun asks.

Groaning Forth opens his eyes and looks straight up at Beam. "I love you, Beam. Don't run away from me anymore, K. It hurts my heart."

"Where would I go, huh? My heart can't live without yours." Beam leans over to place a soft kiss on Forth's lips. "Are you feeling okay?" Sitting up Forth rubs his head with his hand, wincing.

"I don't think I can race. Kit you do it for me."

"Are you sure?"

Forth smiles. "Go kick his ass!"

That is how I find myself on Forth's bike waiting at the starting line. Looking over I see Park smirking but I'm about to wipe that smirk right off his ugly mug.

"Get ready, set, and go!"

Park shoots out in front of me but going fast in the beginning isn't going to win me this race. Racing smart, is. I've watched Park race countless times and I know what his moves are. As he drifts close to my lane I fall back a pace only to go around him and move ahead. A quick glance behind me I can see he is scowling. He hadn't anticipated me changing lanes. I do it one more time when he tries again to make me crash by coming up close to me. I don't have to play dirty to win. I just need to know how to out smart him. In the last few paces before the finish line we are neck and neck until I let go and really let Forth's motorcycle fly. I win by a nose but it's still a win and it was one hell of a race.

"I knew you could do it!" I hear Forth scream before I'm being picked up into a bear hug.

"It was all your bike. She rides like dream," I say slapping him on the back to let me go.

I just wish Ming had been around to see it. I need to find him and make things right between us. I had wanted to take him to the school carnival tomorrow but now all I can hope for is that he shows up so I can declare my love and maybe grovel for good measure. Ming isn't going to know what hit him tomorrow. A new and improved Kit is on the prowl.

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