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Bakugo's POV

I hear a single gunshot, and a scream. And then, the call ends. I fall to my knees, in the middle of the police station.

"Woah kid! What the hell just happened?", A cop named Ryan asks.

I drop the phone on the ground. I feel tears rolling down my face. Ryan is shaking me, asking me what happened. All I can think of is the phone call. The sound of the gunshot and the scream just keeps playing over and over again in my head. It's like there's a broken record in my mind, and it's play the worst sounds I've ever heard.

"Guy's! I've got a location!", Brendon yells from across the room.

I snap out of it. Ryan start to get up when I grab his shirt.

"Ryan....I heard a gun shot...and I heard him scream....That's when the call ended", I tell him, my voice shaking.

His eyes grow wide. He walks over to Brendon and talks to him for a second. The both go into a side room. The come out seconds later. They're both armed. Brendon goes over and grabs a few more things while Ryan walks over to me. I'm still just sitting on the ground. He sits down next to me.

"We're going to go get your friend alright? He's going to be OK, alright?", He tells me, trying to sound reassuring.

"Let me go with you", I say calmly.

"Err...that wouldn't be the safest thing..."I look up at him.

"Please...I need to see him....I need to help him...", I say.

He looks around and then he looks back at me.

"Brendon! ", he yells across the room, "Is it OK for the kid to come?"

He's sighs, and looks over at me.

"Fine...but don't tell anyone we let you come along kid", He tells me. I nod.

They walk outside, I pick up my phone and follow them. We go into a cop car. Brendon is at the wheel, while Ryan is sitting in the passenger seat. I'm stuck in the back. Brendon types something into the GPS. I look at it. It says we are ten minutes away from our destination.

"Ryan", Brendon suddenly says, "I want you to contact some other cops and  tell them to meet us at this location", he says gesturing towards the GPS. Ryan nods and starts talking on the radio.

I look out the window. Please Kiri...be OK.

Kirishima's POV.

There's an exploding pain in my shoulder, I scream. That flames mother fucker just shot me in the shoulder. The hole room starts spinning. I hear the two villains in front of me start talking.

"You think they notified the police?", Flames asks.

"I'm sure they did. Let's leave the kid here and go. I'll go wake up Kurogiri, and get everyone together. You take care of this idiot", Shigaraki says.

"Gladly", Flames replies, smirking.

Shit. I'm so screwed. I grab my left shoulder. It really hurts. Shigaraki rushes out of the room. Flames turns to me. Blue flames surround his leg, then he kicks me. Over and over again. I'm barely conscious. He grabs something out of the back pocket of his black jeans. Its a role of duck tape. He puts his hand through it so he's wearing it like a bracelet.

He then grabs both of my wrist and tries to pull me up. I cry out in pain. He's really hurting my shoulder. He rolls his eyes.

"Get the fuck up", he says angrily, pulling on my wrists again.

I painfully stand up. I some how manage get up, then he places his hand on my back and shoves me into a wall. I whimper. I really don't want to get hurt anymore. He grabs my wrist and forces them behind my back. He lets go with one hand. I push against his hand, as a desprete atempt to free myself. That was a mistake. He burns both of my wrists. I flinch.

"Don't try that again", he says in a monotone voice.

I hear the sound of duck tape being pealed.He starts wrapping duck tape around my burnt wrist. He does this for a few seconds and then rips the duck tape. He steps back, grabs my newly connected wrists, and then throws me to the ground. I look back at him, he's suddenly holding a knife.

"I have a fun idea...", he says. I have a feeling that what ever he's about to do isn't going to be very fun, "But first..."

He rips a piece of duck tape and places it over my mouth.

"Now, no one can hear you scream"

Bakugo's POV

Soon enough, we pull up to our destination. It's a shady building in the middle of a deserted neighborhood. Brendon and Ryan get out, I do the same.

I see other cop cars pull up. They park and exit their respective cars. around 10 cops are here. I turn to Ryan and Brendon heading towards the entrance. I follow.  They pound on the door.

"This is the police, open up!", Ryan yells.

No one answers. Brendon turns and kicks it down. Police file in the small building. Purple warp gates are everywhere. People are escaping. I run past them all. I need to find Kirishima. I hear Ryan calling for me, but I'm not listening. I need to find Kirishima.

I run down a long hallway, opening random doors, trying to find the one Kirishima is in.

I will find him.

I Will Find You...///KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now