Chapter 9

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You woke up on your bathroom floor, you felt sick and skittish everything seemed too loud, it must have been because of the lack of sleep, you went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and got out an energy drink- usually you wouldn't drink energy drinks in the morning but you were desperate, you checked the time

"Damm it!" You said to yourself it wasn't  even the morning it was 12 O'clock

You finished the can in 20 seconds flat. You sat down and checked your phone, you went to the news and there was an article about the people from the collapsed building you saved on Friday.

You couldn't help but smile at the sight of all those people thanking you. That was why you did what you did- you made a difference to those people, they were grateful and you made an impact on their lives. That was your purpose.

You suddenly got a call- it was peter

"Hey Pete, you ok?" You said- you sounded like shit but oh well

"Hey Y/n yeah I'm alright. you sound like hell, you ok? He replied

"Gee thanks"you said laughing "yeah I'm-I'm ok I just (sigh) had a rough night, so what's up why'd ya call?"

"Oh I just kinda feel like shit something happened and I feel bad and I just kinda need cheering up do you think I could come over?"

"Yeah sure Pete let's binge watch voltron while eating pizza and wallowing in self pity huh? you wanna talk about whatever's got ya down in the dumps?" You asked

"Nah it's ok but that plan sounds nice, I'll be over in 10"

Then he hung up

That's what you loved about your and peters relationship, you can always find comfort in each other but you never felt pressure to tell that person why you were sad.

You ordered the pizza and cleared the living room as it was a state then the doorbell rang.

You were currently halfway under the sofa trying to find the remote so this was just wonderful timing.

"WHO IS IT?" You Yelled

" ITS PETER" you heard peter yell through the door

"LET YOURSELF IN!" You shout from under the sofa

You hear him open and close the door then walk in the living room

"Y/n?" He asks

"Down here" You say

"Hehe you alright?" He asks with a chuckle from seeking your legs sticking out from under the sofa

"Just a tad stuck" you said "you couldn't lend a hand could ya?" You ask

"Sure" he said

After a lot of twisting and turning you were free


"The hell were you doing down there?" Peter asks

"Getting the remote" you sat as you hold up the remote

"Oh cool" peter said sadly

"Man you seem really sad, is there anything I can do to help?" You say

"Nah I just- there was- uggghhh I don't know its just you know my internship?"He said 

"Yeah?" You say

"Well there was a kid who I kind of knew I mean she was my friend I guess who I needed to bring to Tony because he asked me too but they really didn't want to I mean they were like scared and this guy who went with me to get them tried to get them to come using force but she got scared and now she hates me" he said

"Huh you know that sound real familiar" you say with a sympathetic laugh

"Yeah maybe" he says with a sad smile

"Look man it's not your fault, you were told to do it and it's not like you hurt them or wanted to hurt them" you say patting his back

"Yeah I guess"

"Yeah! You are amazing and if they were your friend then they would know how great you are so I'm sure they are fine, ok?" You comfort

Peter looked like he was going to say something but then the doorbell rang

"Ha that'll be the pizza" you say

"You actually got that?" peter says

"Fuck yeah I did!" You say  with a laugh

You then both ate pizza and watched voltron for the rest is the day until peter had to go home

"Thanks y/n you always manage to cheer me up" peter says as he stepped out of the door

"Don't mention it" you say


"Bye "

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