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In a large, rundown warehouse in a bleak district on Mars, sat a body on one of the empty crates inside the abandoned place. Said body seemed to be watching a video of something off of their computer. Upon closer inspection, the video seemed to be a live feed from what appears to be a security camera. The video showed groups of men and boys going back and forth doing odd jobs at their facility. But why? Why would this singular body need to have surveillance of this specific place? The reason shows itself on the screen as a big, burly dark skinned man with artificial legs barked orders at a few of the younger males around him. Nadi Yukinojo Kassapa was the name of the man.


The typing of keys could be heard in a dark room where a man sat in front of a computer with a woman standing right next to him. What they were looking for was unknown, considering they were speaking in low voices. A small 8 year old girl peeked in the cracked door to see what was happening, merely being the curious child that she is. She knew it was dangerous for her to be out and about like this, but she couldn't help it, she was lonely and had nothing to do in this dreary place. Though they were speaking in low voices she could get a couple of words that she knew here and there, but none really piqued her interest. This went on for a couple of minutes until the girl began to get bored and started to walk away. But just when she was about to turn, she saw a picture of her and her brothers on the computer screen. Then she began to hear the words "family" and "relatives" from the conversation.

Now things were getting interesting. She started to pay close attention to the screen and the few words she could get from the man and woman's discussion. The screen then had a loading sign on it as it prepared something that the man typed into the computer. Another picture popped up after a few minutes of a dark skinned man with black hair and thick eyebrows. There was another photo next to his, but it was empty slotted. The words "mother", "siblings", and "uncle" were the only things that the little girl had truly been interested in. The fact that she had family outside of her brothers had excited her. Though it was unknown as to who her mother was, she was glad to see who someone related to her looked like. But that wouldn't do too well if she didn't have a name to go with it.

The girl squinted her eyes a bit to try to see whose name was under the picture. First her "mothers", though it held literally nothing, not even her name, only her birth date. She could only memorize the first name under the other picture, Nadi, and where he resided before a body obscured her view. She looked up only to gasp in fear at the ice blue eyes of the woman now in front of her, shoving the door open and pushing the little girl back into the wall behind her. The woman said nothing as she began to slowly walk towards her, the click clack of her heeled boots the only thing to be heard in the empty hallway they were in. The only thing the little girl could do is shake in fear and await her punishment, with a slim hope that she'll finally find out who the rest of her family is.

Flashback Over

The girl, now a young lady at 16 years old, continued watching her supposed "uncle". He knows not of who her and her brothers are because they have been in hiding. After their escape years ago, they had taken refuge on Mars where the girl convinced her brothers into looking into Nadi.

It was hard for them to come to terms with the fact that they had more family out there. The fault isn't their own, considering their upbringing. They merely stayed around to watch Nadi, should anyone from their past show up to kill him or use him as a bargain chip.

It was stupid considering they'd literally be bringing the danger to him, but if he was already known as their "uncle" at that "facility", it would only be a matter of time until something happened. Why not be one step ahead? Which is why as soon as they found out where their uncle worked, they set up some surveillance cameras to watch the place, should it ever be attacked. Because of their training and the wide open space that CGS was in, it wasn't difficult to infiltrate it. Of course they had to be careful of the mines placed around. It wasn't all that hard to find considering they started out in the less fortunate district on Mars and started asking questions about him and CGS.

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