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"Sanika....?," a voice had said from the small crowd of workers which now surrounded the car and Jakai'a. The body that the voice had come from began to lightly shove his way to the front of the group, being mindful of the CGS president that stood at the forefront of it all, his already big stature making others part from his path. When Nadi had made it to the front, facing Jakai'a, he had looked her up and down with a shocked expression on his face. Kai'a stood there for a second, stunned, staring at Nadi and trying to conjure up the words that she wanted to say. Her brothers sat in the car, ready to act in case something went wrong. Before anyone else could get a word out, a Maruba walked in front of Nadi, blocking his view of Jakai'a and vice-versa, "Is there a reason as to why you have come here?" That seems to snap the girl out of her little trance as she straightens her back before speaking, "Yes, I've come to you to speak about an incident that had happened in your facility. A big explosion if I remember correctly." Maruba looked the girl up and down before he narrowed his eyes at her, "Yes, I heard from my worker that the people of the nearby town had some worries?," Maruba smirked and began turning his back to walk away before finishing,"But I can assure you that such an unprecedented event won't be happening like that again."

"Well before you walk off, we were hoping to offer some advice in case by some chance this was an incident caused by an external force, especially since the workers who died were newbies, from what I heard from the townspeople," Jakai'a finishes before the president could walk away. It's not as if it's a lie, those five were there to do harm so they were technically enemies. Maruba frowns and turns back to the little girl who dares giving advice to him, the President of his own company. A word couldn't be said from him, but from a Eugene Sevenstark, who marched up to the group angrily, "And why the hell should we take advice from some people who don't even know about what goes on here!? External force!? What the hell are you even talking about!? You sayin our own are undercover agents or something!? That ridiculous!" Kai'a simply looked at him unblinkingly, "In case you weren't listening, I'll repeat, the townspeople worry that if it were an external conflict, they'd rather not be caught in any friendly fire or otherwise. We only came here as their voices to explain their concern and come to a resolution." The lies were slipping out quite easily. Granted, Kai hated lying, she knew it was necessary for this to work.

Maruba speaks with a fake smile upon his face, wanting this whole debacle to end so he can go back up to his office,"Well while I do understand the concern of the townsfolk, as I stated earlier, we are taking measures to prevent this from happening again in the future."

Another worker ran up behind Eugene, Norba Shino, and began to pull him back, "Come on Eugene, it's nothing to get so worked up about." Eugene began to turn red in the face before arguing back at Kai'a, "And what advice could someone like you give us, huh!?"

Jakai'a continues to remain unbothered, "To warn all of you in case these were the actions of an enemy unhappy with your company. This may not be the last attempt at your facility. I'd suggest you'd be careful who you hire next time and who you let into this place. If anyone can work here, who is to say you won't be hiring someone who wants to do this company harm," she finished and begins to turn around to head back to the car. Maruba started to grind his teeth at being told such a thing from a child. He was glad the little convo was over though and began heading back to his office in a huff while barking out an order, "Everyone get back to work!" The main goal for the siblings today was just to give a warning. Even if the president and older workers didn't heed it, the other workers would, or at least the ones that are witnessing this. Word will soon get around though among this place. All of the younger ones each carry a bond with the others that they'd do anything to protect. They won't let someone come in to mess it up.

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