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It had been a few weeks since the incident that took place in CGS. The few times that the siblings had to travel out of their makeshift home, they heard talk about the events they caused inside the facility.

"You heard what happened to those kids?"

"Heard they lost a few of their own."

"They were just here asking if we know something."

"Think it mighta been something other than an accident?"

These were a few pieces of conversation that were picked up among the people in town. So far, most were thinking it may have just been a simple accident. But there were others who believed otherwise.

"We have no choice but to go back and explain ourselves. There's too much talk about the situation, even after some weeks have passed. If they are investigating, they'll be getting too close to this place, this town is plenty small enough. It's only gonna be a matter of time before this happens again anyway, especially considering we killed members from that group. Might as well get acquainted with him and that group," Kai said. Her and her brothers had been talking about this over the weeks after their escape from CGS, with Jakai'a bringing it up trying to convince her brothers to go back and for them all to come clean. "If it does happen again we'll just take care of it in the same manner or handle it a different way. No need for them to know about us," Jabari shrugged off. Jakai'a, getting frustrated of going back and forth over these weeks for the same issue and getting shot down each time by her brothers exclaimed, "What's so wrong about getting to know him!? Getting to know them!? We're not back where we were before, we're free now! We can change! We are changing! We can ask for help and give help back!" Both brothers cut their eyes to her, making Kai flinch back slightly at their look. "If we get to know them, what then? We wait until they turn their backs on us or stab us in ours? Wait for them to use us and then throw us away when we're unwanted?-," Jabari cuts off Jamal furiously, "We don't even know if our so called "uncle" is even our uncle, let alone if he wants anything to do with us! And I bet those CGS groups ain't finna be no better! There's not one person on this world or Earth or space or wherever, that'll want to give something without expecting anything back! Let them find out about us and what we've done in this life to survive and I bet they'll be singing a different tune even if they do by some chance accept us!," he gets closer to her, trying to intimidate her, "Stop tryna chase some lost dream that we have family out there or that we need to connect with them, 'cause news flash, not everyone's gonna be wantin to have anything to do with us!," Jabari finishes in a huff, baring his teeth, gold eyes now aflame as he looks down at his sister.

Through the whole argument, Kai kept a determined face with hard eyes, not willing to give up her side of this debate. Why won't they give this a chance? They're free now, they can do whatever they want. None of them hardly even know the people at that place to immediately assume they'd be bad people. Well, the older ones are, without a doubt, a group of dirty bastards with the way they treat those under them. It's not as if she wants to form bonds with them, though it would be a nice change to befriend others. Nevertheless, Jabari was right in assuming she wanted to meet someone that is related to them. She wanted to know what kind of parents she had, if they look anything like them, if they share certain personality traits with them, etc. Most importantly though..... she wanted to know if their parents really wanted them. If they weren't just thrown away like trash like they've been told so many times before. If the only thing they were born and raised for was to be human weapons. She wanted to ask all these questions to Nadi because she knew he'd have the answers. At least, she hoped so.

"I'm not gonna apologize for wanting to know something more about our heritage and bloodline. Besides wouldn't it be nice to make.... friends?," Kai said, the word being foreign on her tongue, "Or even acquaintances? Mean something to someone and vice versa? And the way that most of them act is practically brotherly, so they may even become family to us, given some time of course. We can't always be cautious of the unknown unless we try to understand it. And even so, you both act like we can't take care of ourselves if something happens. What's it gonna take for you two to see my side of it?," Kai said. "Your side!-," before Jabari could continue he was cut off by his brother, "Do you really want to put yourself through a heartbreak if something does happen? How do you know making contact won't put them all to immediate death? Or our immediate death or suffering? Are you ready for any future betrayal or disloyalty from that group and/ or our "uncle", something that you'll remember and possibly hold on to for years?," Jamal finished. "Well no, but-," she was cut off by him, "Then why are you fighting so hard for this? We were born together, raised together, and we went through so many good and bad things together, just us. We were able to be there for each other, even if we weren't together physically. Are we not enough?," he said with an ounce of hurt in his voice, referring to him and Jabari, "Do we not make you happy? Are you tired of us?," Jamal finished. "No!," she said sharply, " it's not that.... it's just....," Kai loses her composure, shoulders slumping and head slightly down at the questions, as if ashamed by her plans and ideas.

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