Ch 10 At School

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|•|Kenny's POV|•|

"Jesus Dovahkiin what the hell did Cartman have you doing last night?" I ask my boyfriend who is literally asleep against his locker. He launches himself off of it in surprise and I am barely able to catch him before he hits the ground.

"Heya Ken." He yawns out rubbing his eyes.

"Did you get any sleep last night? Did that fatass seriously have you out all night? I swear to-"

"No no. Though we were for the most of it." He pauses to yawn. "But then his mom caught us and sent us home."

"So you just didn't sleep. Dovyyyyyy." I whine rubbing his arm. "You need your sleep!"

"I know I know! Just, after what happened last night I- nevermind."

"What? What happened?"

"Don't worry about it, it was nothing. Come on let's just get to class." He says dodging the question. He dumps his shit in his locker and proceeds to slam it shut.

"Look I get that the guys will be pissed if you talk about your mission or whatever with me, but if something bad happened I want to know!"

"It's not that Kenny." He says shaking his head, "Nothing happened. I was just scarred by the strip club."

He is totally lying out his ass. "Strip club? Why the hell were you at a strip Club?" I ask.

"Relax Kenny it was a straight one. Which was why I was so scarred by it."

"That doesn't answer my question." I respond as we walk into class .

"Well I can't exactly tell you why so meh." He responds sticking out his tongue at me.

I roll my eyes and stick my tongue right back at him. "Meh to you too."

"God you weren't kidding when you said you were both childish. It's like you're made for each other." Craig quips.

"I'm pretty sure out of everyone in this room, minus Cartman-"

"Fuck you Stan!"

"- you and Tweek are the most childish."

"HEY! DONT LUMP ME IN WITH HIM!" They say in unison while pointing at each other.

"Wait you're still broken up? After all that shit we went through in 4th grade to get you assholes together?" Pete asks.

The goths are slightly less goth now and actually hang with us every now and then. And they go to class some what regularly.

"Shut the fuck up Pete no body asked you!" Craig yells at him flipping him off. Pete returns it and Tweek then starts yelling at Craig for "being mean to Pete." The two keep arguing back and forth like an old married couple.

"Oh my god just shut the fuck up! Sorry I even brought this up!" Stan shouts at them.

They both just huff and turn away from each other like the angry pissy children that they are.

"Anyways, what were you two arguing about when you walked in anyways?" Stan asks.

"Dova won't say why he was at a strip club last night."

"Dude. What in the actual hell." Stan questions.

"Mission." Craig replies dully.

"Ah. Okay. Is that why you look like a complete and utter mess fluff face?"

"Mmhmm. Didn't sleep. To many exposed females."

"Is that really the only reason you didn't sleep last night?" Craig asks with a raised brow.

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