Ch 26 Eldritch Sandwich

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]Dovahkiin's POV[

Just as I predicted, there's the Police Chief and he's already starting his rant. But I'm not really focusing on that. I'm more focused on the fact that he's got the old $100 cat in some weird ass bondage thing and it does not look happy about it. Then again it didn't looked happy in the missing posters either but still.

Wait did he just say cops were slaves?

"A robot who's told not to think for himself. It's politicians who are the real bigots" okay that last part I can't really argue against because in some cases it's pretty fucking true especially with our President but still what the fuck?

"That Mayor has been sitting in her office, TELLING US we have to change our ways." Uh yeah, cause you do. You're racist assholes.

"The only way to have her removed was to raise crimes in the streets. And now cops are finally able to do things the old way again! Don't you see this is better for everyone?"

"It most certainly is not you close minded mother fucker! The old way is horrible and wrong! The old way had innocent people being locked up while the real criminals could get away with their shit. You know, kinda like you're doing?" I shout at him, tired of him trying to make others seem like the bad guy.

"God dammit why won't you kids just understand!" And he's shoving his face into the cat's ass.

"Holy shit that's scrambles" Cartman says coming from lord knows where along with the rest of Coon and friends.

"And Alpha Wolf is bleeding and angry. Why are you always bleeding and angry?" Craig questions me.

"What?" The Police Chief has gotten high off cat piss. Why do people keep getting high off of cat piss?

"Wait that's the cat?" Stan questions. "Doesn't look like it's worth $100 to me."

"Whatever what's important is that we've got the police chief, and we've got him surrounded and completely outnumbered too." Ken says getting us back on track.

"What can I say you kids have me by the balls. Almost by the balls." He says standing up and walking over towards a metal door.

"You guys remember what I said about that door back there looking like it was meant to keep someone in?"

"Yeah why?" Tweek asks.

"Cause I was wrong. That is a door meant to keep someone in."

"Right you are Wolf. You know not every prisoner we have here is black. We actually do have one white guy." The police chief says flipping a lever.

A buzzing sound is then made followed by the sound of a door closing.

"Okay so maybe that door was also to keep someone in." I mumble glaring at the now closed door.

"This is a trap!" Kenny shouts.

"I'm sorry kids, but you left me no choice." He then pulls the other lever and walks away from the door.

"Holy shit it's the fucking pedo subway guy." I say, ears falling back against my head. We're gonna get fucking violated, hell to the fucking no.

"Hey kids you want some candy?"

"Oh fuck it's Jared." Of course Cartman knows Jared. The others probably do too.

South Park The Fracture But Whole: Mysterion and Alpha WolfWhere stories live. Discover now