Chapter 3

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Here is another chapter- after this the chapters may come more slowly because I have stuff... XD


        My body continued to be wracked with sobs until I heard very soft footstep approaching me from the left. I looked up and noticed the footsteps had stopped and as a reaction I tried to stop sniffling. I quietly unfolded myself from the position I held on the floor and I heard nothing else, but to be cautious I picked up one foot and slipped off my shoes holding them both- one in each hand. I walked slowly forward where the sound had first begun to originate. I couldn’t hear anything and the forest looked as normal as it had a few moments before. That was until I took one more step forward and a second later a loud gasp was heard. It was unlike any gasp I had ever heard before; it was deeper than any voice I had heard in my life.

        I stopped, my whole body was stiff and I raised my hand with my shoe in it as if it were a threatening object. I heard a laugh sound behind me… it was a… pleasant sound. I could hear the deeper voice almost the same as the most beautiful laugh in the village, but deeper and it had given me a chill. It went through my body as if wind on a chilly day. I couldn’t identify the sound as a girl, so then what was it? Or rather, who was it?

        “No offense but I don’t think that that slipper will injure me that much,” the remark was sarcastic and slightly slurred, but even my mind couldn’t wrap around the fact that there was another person who was obviously not a girl. The person had dark blonde hair and warm brown eyes, he was a few inches taller than me and was lanky with long limbs.

        “Who are you? What are you?” I asked more curious then scared, although I should have been. There was his chuckle again ringing out like a deep bell, it was so comforting to my ears.

        “I could ask you the same question, but, I’m more curious as to who you aren’t rather than who you are. You are definitely not a man,” he answered as if this were a causal talk over coffee.

I turned around unable to bear not being able to handle this new person. Whoever he was, he was nothing that I had ever seen.. he was different. I slowly turned back toward him and stared at his comforting coffee brown eyes.

“What is a man?” I asked more cautious and I continued to hold my slipper in front of me as weapon, “I know only of women and that is all there is.”

“Woman? Why would you put the two letters “w and o” in front of man, that is very copy like of you… women?” His words continued to be slurred, but his ability to speak was not fully taken away from him. He once again chuckled at his own joke.

“We didn't copy you, your kind must have taken the “men” from women and believed that it was your title,” I replied resentment for the man with a beautiful laugh.

“Whatever you want to believe. What is your name anyway?” His once playful stare turned more serious, his smile almost completely diminishing and I found that I was wishing that it wasn't disappearing. I paused I felt unable to answer the question he had asked mere seconds ago. My name…. What was his name? Why should I answer him? Who is he?

“My name is… none of your concern,” I answered confidently after my previous pause. I could see his eyebrows lift in a mocking way and his smile returned.

“It is not of my concern? Then is my name of your concern?” He remarked.

I stared at him for what seemed like another lifetime. Here was someone I clearly did not know openly flirting with me and I already knew that. It had happened to me a few times with various girls who tried to gain my attention. I smiled caustiously and dropped my shoes to the ground and quietly slipped my feet into the slippers. I could feel his stare creating holes in my back and I knew that all my actions were carefully being monitored into his drunken mind.

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