Chapter 4

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        Here is another part of the story. :) I hope you like it :)


        After waking up I felt a strong wave of nausea and the strong push and sting of an enormous headache. I rolled over on my couch still dressed in last night's attire. My sneakers still placed on my feet, the strings dirtied with grass and mud and undone from their previous knot. I groaned and turned over feeling a sharp pain again in my skull causing me to emitt another moan. My hands shot up to hold my head my fingernails filled with brown dirt from climbing and stumbling around the forest last night.

        After a few minutes of wallowing in my misery I felt a memory burn into my mind. It was a picture of her. I sat up quickly trying to ignore the immediate pain that sprung back to my head throughout my body. I smiled at the thought of her and the fact that I was going to meet her again today. This fact reminded me that I should look at the time as I could now see light streaming through my curtained windows. I lifted my left arm to check my sleek black watch and my brown eyes soon widened at the time flashing on my wrist.


        My work shift started fifteen minutes ago. I rushed out of bed immediatley running to my closet located in the back of my livingroom. I quickly assorted through my small amount of clothes. I roughly grabbed a plaid shirt and some black dress pants along with underwear and socks. I rushed across the room comically and with one arm trying to pry off yesterday's clothes the other was attempting to brush my teeth. There was not enough time to take a shower. After I had somehow managed to put my pants on and finished brushing my teeth I quickly took off my old shirt and replaced it with the crisp new one.

        Then I slipped on my white socks that had a hole located at the top of my largest toe, I slipped my black scuffled shoes over my covered feet. Then I grabbed a jacket on my front doorknob and grabbed my old and stained black suitcase before pushing open the door and quickly rushing to lock the door and get to work. 

        I checked my watch again as I walked away from my apartment and I grimanced at the time that flashed- 9:57. I rolled my eyes and heaved a heavy sigh as I rushed outside. Rushing to my old and battered red bike i shoved my suitcase into the small basket located at the front and pushed off of the concrete before pedaling as fast as my legs would allow.

        I sped past mass amounts of pedestrians- a few calling me an idiot others more vulgar descriptions. I had to ignore all of the insults despite my horrific temper. I felt my coffee colored eyes glance at the street lights before I began to pedal again. I had a few more blocks and it was now ten o'clock. I felt like screaming in exhaustion and exasperation. I knew it was childish of me to want to but I sure as hell was close enough to the edge to scream. 

        Once I had finally reached the dreaded building I practically tossed my bike to the side barely able to catch my suitcase before it fell to the ground beside my bike. I rushed through the front glass doors and ran down the stairs instead of the elevator in fear of another thing going horrifically wrong. Once I finally reached the fifth floor I worked on I violently pushed open the door to see everyone in the office look up. I saw a bunch of the guys try to stiffle their laughs at my tardy entrance. I walked one step in and smoothed down my hair before I pretended I was on time and walked to my desk filled with copious amount of crap.

        As soon as I sat down I heaved a sigh of both regret and relief. I was relived to finally have made it to work in general but, I was regretful at the fact I was at work, because who would want to be at work when they could be at home doing nothing to exert themselves physically or emotionally. I leaned back in my chair and waved hello at the guy who sat next to me. He was one of the few friends that stuck around after my anger fits.

        He was a year older than me and had a strong, built structure. He always wore tight v-neck shirts- he obviously wanted more than friendship with practically every person he met. I make fun of him incessantly although he denies being a manwhore of any type. I disagree but I know that all people do have a right to their idiotic moments. He was also taller than me which was something not all people could compete with. When I first met him he called me short and the nickname stuck ever since much to my dismay. His name is Stan and he is probably one of my closest and only friends.

        When I waved he winked at me and threw me one of his special guy killing smiles. One smile from the guy and he had practically every single guy on the block begging him to be their boyfriend. Stan's longest lasting relationship would probably have to be when he was with a guy named Sam for I think three weeks.

         But, he saw his brother Dean and Stan practically had a fit over how Dean was so much better than Sam and well they never spoke again. I told him to just break it off with the family in general as to avoid further contact and awkward conversations, but of course he had to see Dean in secret. It only got worse when they were caught doing it in SAM'S BEDROOM by none other than Sammy himself. Stan never tried to see or flirt with anyone for the next couple days which may be his now standing  record.

        He used to hit on me as well but I told him that I was in a rough spot and understanding he made me one of his friends which was a curse and a blessing. I had someone to confide in about everything that was wrong with me. So little went right in my fuck up of a life. Although Stan was practically the most perfect person I know he seemed to understand more than anyone else ever could. Thus a close friend.

        After I rolled my eyes at his response of flirtacious winks and grins and went to begin work hoping the hours would pass quickly enough to get home in time to eat and get ready for tonight. Although my head was now banging with a ferocious vengeance. For the about thousanth time that day I groaned and hit my head on my desk earning me a few stares from my co-workers.

        Another day to get through before I could see. A headache would not stop me from seeing the first person I felt a spark for. Clove...


I hope you enjoyed. Sorry it took it a while to update but I hope you enjoy- I will be posting another story soon also so please check it out. Also dont forget to vote, and comment. I love feedback.

Have a lovely day :)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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