Who is Shou-chan?!!!!!

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HIYA! I'm sorry for the long wait. This is a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy it! Sorry that I haven't updated in like three years. Just recently I graduated from school. Highschool was shit and I needed to take it seriously, but anyways now that I'm free I'd like to dedicate my time to this book, so enjoy reading this chap ma mates!.





"Man, this is tiring." Kagami sighed as he looked at the skittle crew in front of him.

Akashi wanted to bust his head open. Their rookie coach was idly standing in that cursed spot, leaning on the door with that oversized dog by his leg. His blank face was not giving away his thoughts as he went through the papers that he suddenly requested. After announcing the bold statement of drilling whatsoever into their heads; Kagami asked for their personal documents.

What is so hard in assessing data that was already done by their manager. Shouldn't the teacher go through this basic stuff before meeting his students, especially the one he will coach.

Once again, Akashi was disappointed by the fool. On top of being an idiot, he was incompetent at his job.

Suddenly, the teacher spoke, "Hey, pinky do you have a pen on you?"

Momoi looked bewildered for a second, wondering if she was the one he was addressing, but then who had a pink hair except her, so nodded hesitantly and lent her black ball pen.

"Ok, now it's time for business." Kagami paced around the place, heading towards the front of the team. He sat on the floor, folding his legs and licking his dry lips and started scanning the members with caution.

He started scribbling down some random stuff on the documents. Momoi bit her lips nervously, "Um... sensei, is there errors in the data that I have collected?"

The pinknette was worried that she made a mistake, and that was probably highly impossible. The girl is known for her data collecting skills, and she was extremely good at it.

Kagami looked sharply at her, and then he sighed suddenly at the poor girl. She flinched at the negative vibe the elder was giving off.

"Nah, it's perfect. On the contrary, it's quite scary how accurate your data are." Kagami gave her a smile. 'And... it's sad how the boys are perfect, extremely sad. I feel bad for them' the thought hit him. They must want to play against players that could bring the best out of them. Then, he gave the lot a final look, 'They might lose their love for the game if it continues like this...' Kagami worried his lips, but before he could go back to the data she interrogated him.

"Then, why do you look sad sensei?" Momoi felt the need to know what's wrong with her new favorite teacher.

The teacher looked at the manager for a second, then a light bulb shone in his fantastico brain, so he covered his mouth and burrowed his brow.

"It's just... I can't really," Kagami sounded so choked up that Kuroko threw him a concerned look

"Sensei, are you okay?" Casper's soft voice echoed in the large gym.

Kagami looked up and then averted his eye from the students to the papers once again, a frown etching his face. "It's just...I feel sad... Oh no, Nuetalla-kun..."

"Huh, me?!" Aomine pointed at himself, just what the hell is going on right now? Excuse him for having a moment with his ear, as in digging his pinky in his earhole.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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