{Chapter 37}

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Thank you for 300 reads!! You thots are amazing!! I'm so grateful

"Oh come on admit you don't completely hate me!" I laughed and Jack crossed his arms "Why would I lie?" I laughed and did the same thing he did "Ugh I'm Jack I hate everyone and everything, if you talk to me I'll rip off your face." I mimicked him and spoke in a deep voice, he smiled slightly and turned his head so it'd be harder for me to see it "See Jack you don't hate me completely! I saw that smile of yours." He sighed in defeat and sipped his coffee "Thank you." I said and he looked up at me "For what?" I rubbed my forearm and broke our eye contact "For not telling Gray about the apartment, I really do owe you one." When I looked up he has this sympathetic look but it was only for a second "Yeah you do, why don't you want him here anyway? I thought you were both like madly in love or something?" He questioned as he crossed his arms again "It's a long story, I mean do I care about him? Yes of course I do. Do I love him? I have no idea, I've never been in love, I've never let myself fall in love. I always thought of as weakness but then I met the Dolans and here I am crushing on both." I smiled shyly and rubbed my shoulder.

He laughed and sat up, leaning over on the table "Both? Now that is news Darling! Haha, you're so screwed, you can't have both. It won't work in your favor, you also can't just choose one, and if you do you're gonna have to work hard to have a normal life." He started laughing but that made me feel awful, he was right if both of them were in love with me then I couldn't just drop the other, they wouldn't let me go. "Oh come on don't be sad, I don't know how to fix sad girls." I smiled and looked up "I'm not, I'm fine I was just thinking about- nothing it's nothing." I looked at the lady and she brought me both coffees I asked for "Well before you leave what were you thinking?" He stood up and I did too "What if I don't choose one? What if I decide I don't want to choose so I just leave them both?" He looked down at me shocked then he bit the inside of his cheek "Well it's up to you if you do then that's what you choose." He grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket before I grabbed my coffees I hugged him and after a second he hugged me back "Goodbye Jj." I whispered into his chest "Bye Audrey." He let go and walked out, I grabbed the coffees and quickly made my way back to the furniture store.

I saw my dad talking to one of the workers as some other guys put the couch in the truck, I walked over to them and the worker turned to me with a smile "Sweetheart what took you long? I was getting worried." He took his coffee and gave me a hug "Sorry there was a line, but the coffee is fresh so it's worth it." I smiled and took a sip "Ok well I'm just glad you're safe, go to the car I'll be there in a second." I nodded my head and smiled at the boy, I sat in the passenger's seat and continued to sip my coffee until my dad joined then we were off to the next store to get sheets, dishes, towels, and other small home essentials.


I was wheeling up all the things I could while my dad and some other staff helped bring up the bigger things, I was bringing up the bed since it was in a box and the other small things, there were a couple guys behind me bringing chairs and the table since of course those things couldn't be folded, I opened the door and showed the guys were they could place the table "Thank you so much, I hope I didn't bother you too much I know that table was heavy." There were 4 guys who helped me with getting everything up here, 2 carried the table and 2 carried the chairs "It's no problem, we live on the same floor so it's cool." I thought these guys were sweet I mean they did just help a stranger bring up her shit. "Well I'm Audrey and I hope I see you all around the building!" I smiled and shook hands with each boy as they introduced themselves, there was Mark, Jeremy, Leo, and Mason. They looked a bit older than me maybe in the 23 to 26 range. "Well I should go down and help my dad, everything is easy from here so I'll see you guys around." They smiled and waved as we went our separate ways.

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now