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Hi, My name is Carrie Lycon and there is only two words to explain me. Badass Bitch.

I have Blonde dip dye pink hair, and stand at about 5'2 but I wear four inch heels which make me about 5'6. I have a Belly, Nose and eyebrow piercing all the while having multiple in my ears and tattoos that cover my stomach and back that only I know about.

First of all to start off with I am a werwolf and have been expelled from several different schools and am about to move to my next along with my partner in crime Tyler Miller. He was my partner in crime and had been my best friend for years and he had moved with me wherever I went but this time I had to go alone. I needed to stand up and be independent and not always rely on some one else to lean on.

Well back down to business. At my first school some kids dared me to trash a teachers car and I did, and got busted, second school I set the science lab on fire because I hated it, at my third I put blue dye in the swimming pool and when the swimmers came out they were all blue and looked like fucking smurfs- gotta admit though it was hilarious, at my fourth, we played a prank on the teachers in my sophomore year, at my fifth I trashed the principles office, once again got caught, at my sixth I put a pin on my history teachers chair and he sat on it!!, and last but not least at my seventh I trashed my English teachers car cause he was a dick.

I start at Ridehill high tomorrow and guess what I don't give two fucks about school so I'll just probably ditch after first hour. I don't know, well anyway going to bed cause 'Mum doesn't want me up too late or I will be late to school in the morning and that doesn't give any of my teachers a good first impression of me.' God she is so annoying! Well anyway better get to bed or mum will go serious ape shit... Like she cares anyway, she was never there for me at all thats how I get away with so much, she's always sleeping around, cheating on dad, and dad- huh well I couldn't give two fucks bout him he always ignores me even when I get into the worst trouble. Well shit school tomorrow, great just great. *note the sarcasm*

"Ugh" I sighed and plopped down on my California king bed falling into a dreamless sleep...

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