Chapter 2 - The fight

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'strike three, this is bullshit, she's out.

I am so mad at her right now, that bitch! and after that thought I took my first swing at her face hearing bones break and blood start to ooze out of her lip and nose, oh hell yeah she deserved that one.

"Game on Bitch" I sneered at her, then only one thing went through my mind.

Let the games begin.'

After I took my first swing she tried to come at me and throw a punch but, because she is a weak human, I doged it easily and jabbed her in the stomach, evilly smirking when she bent over groaning in pain. The cafeteria was now full of onlookers cheering with both humans and werewolf's videoing this with their phones.

This was hilarious, she had no idea how to fight, whereas I was the best female fighter in my old pack. Ha! Her shit doesn't even compare to what damage I can do.

I was brought put of my thoughts by my head being smashed onto one of the tables and felt warm thick liquid start to drop down my face. That mere, little human... cut my head open. She will pay for that.
I ran after her and smashed her face into the ground, throwing punch after punch.

I got taken out of my punching round, suddenly realizing I had knocked her out, smelling the most intoxicating scent, before a huge booming male voice dominated the cafeteria.

"WHAT AN EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?" demanded what I presume is the new alpha and everyone cowered back - even the humans and stepped away allowing him entrance and sight to what was happening between me and that disgusting excuse for a human. I smirked from my victory against her, which of course I was proud of, cause I have a reputation to uphold.

After the crowd drifted apart to let the Alpha through I saw just how smoking hot he is!
He had dark brown hair, olive tan skin, wearing a t-shirt that you could see he definitely has an eight pack under there.

I was cut out of my trance by him and I simultaneously breathing the word 'Mate' at the same time, them he cleared his throat and said.

"You stupid bitch. Do you know what you've just done? You just assaulted my girlfriend. You know when you find your mate, he isn't gonna want a bitch like you, and you know the first words he would tell you would be?" He paused and raised his eyebrows waiting for me to respond. I didn't just stared at him. "He would say I. Reject. You" just as he said that a sharp pain went through my stomach, body and head.
I fell to the floor crying in pain.
The pain was so excruciating I couldn't handle it anymore and let the sinking darkness overcome me.






Ugh what is that noise?

I slowly peeled my eyes open blinking a lot because of the white bright light. Where am I? am I dead?

When I opened my eyes fully I realized I was in hospital.
Then all the memories and pain came back to me.
He rejected me, my Mate, The big bad Alpha rejected me, Carrie Lycon, his soul mate and forever to be. That asshole, I want to get him and kill that bastard and he will regret rejecting me.

I looked around and realized no-one was here for me. Just then a nurse walked in and talked to me as sweetly as she possibly could.

"Hi Carrie?, is it?, I am your new Pack Nurse Jessica how are you feeling?"

"Like shit" I said honestly.

"Well as soon as you fill out these papers you'll be free to go, but no school for the rest of the week take it easy, ok? Your head and body got quite the beating" she said passing me some papers to sign.

"Huh but she got more" I said under my breath, thinking back to the fight.

"What was that honey?" The nurse asked.

"Nothing don't worry, I'm gonna head off now" I said taking my keys from my pocket.

I walked out of the pack hospital and thought about things and realised that I was free from school and that pathetic excuse I call My Alpha and mate.

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