Chapter 1- Trouble

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I woke up to the sound of my stupid Alarm clock.

"Ugh Fuck off!!" I yelled at my clock while throwing it across the room causing it to shatter. "oops!" I exclaimed getting out of bed groggily and stumbling into my ensuite half asleep.

I turned the hot tap on in the shower while slowly getting undressed and singing my favorite song while the shower and bathroom steams up, the. Step into the big hot shower and sing at the top of my lungs Eminem's Mockingbird. Once I was done with my shower I stepped out into the freezing cold.

"Ahhhh Fuck!!" I exclaimed.

I walked straight into my wardrobe getting some skinny jeans, five inch heels and a tank top that says 'Fuck off'. I walked downstairs carefully without tripping in my heels grabbed some toast from on the bench and walked out the door yelling back at my parents

"I'LL SEE YOU LATER!", as if they cared anyway, mum probably was with some guy and lied to dad that she was at work.

And as soon as I was out I ran over to my Harley Davidson, put my helmet on and Jumped on riding off to my new school. Great! this is gonna be fun!. **note the sarcasm**


When I arrived at school, I parked my bike, pulled my helmet off and shook out my hair, all eyes were on me. I scoffed and just continued on my way smirking at every boy that was drooling at me on the way to administration. I walked up to the front desk and saw a lady talking and laughing on the phone, to what sounded like a boyfriend, I tried getting her attention, but nothing worked. After a few minutes of throwing things at her trying to get her attention I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the phone line. Finally, she payed attention to me.

"What do you want young lady" she said demanding obviously pissed at what I just did.

"New girl, schedule please!" I exclaimed rather annoyed.

"Ah thats right Carrie Lycon" she said while looking through some papers and finally finding my schedule. Once she brought it over to me I snatched it from her grasp and waltzed off like nothing ever happened.

As I walked the empty halls I realized looking at my schedule that I have missed the first ten minutes of English because of that bitch in the office. I looked around for my classroom and casually waltzed into my class slamming the door behind me. As soon as that happened all eyes were on me and my body.

"Guys can I have my face back, and boys my eyes are up here" I said referring to them. The teacher was really pissed I walked in late and asked who I was.

"And who exactly are you young lady?" The old hairless, dumbass teacher asked.

"Carrie Lycon, badass, bitch and been expelled from seven other schools. want to know any more?" I said proudly with a smirk playing on my face.

"Uh... no thank you could you please take a seat" he said nervously.

"Thats what I thought" I whispered in his ear walking to the back of the room while laughing.

I sat at the back and opened my book to the page told to me and got to work. I never knew how, but I always got straight A's probably cause the teachers think if they don't give me good grades I'll bash them until their sun don't shine.

Soon enough The bell went and I was out the door like a bullet and running through that halls until I reached my locker and I quickly dumped my books in, grabbed my lunch money and walked to the cafeteria. I was one of the first in the lunch line and today was one of my favourite foods, burgers and fries. When I got up I ordered a Chicken Burger with Fries, a Pepsi next and walked to a vacated table. When I sat down and started to eat, girls which I presume was the schools slut with her minions walked up to me, with those fake boobs the size of the grand canyon, those tiny skirts that were just under their asses and crop tops that showed way too much cleavage.

I took a whiff of their scents quickly realizing they were human.

"Excuse me whatever your name is you can't just come to this school thinking you can rule it and sit at my table as well" she tried to say in the politest sickliest sweet tone possible and waking her finger around pointing at me and my food.

Strike one.

"Excuse me bitch did I hear correct?" I said annoyance lacing in my tone my wolf getting pissed off at this disrespect and edging to take over.

"You heard me" she taunted with hatred and a smirk and slightly tipping some of her coke on me.

Oh no she didn't, Strike two.

"Did you just tip your coke on me you slut?" I said with anger and a growl at the end.

"Oh hell I did and what ya gonna do about it" she said proudly taunting obvious in her voice.

Strike three, this is bullshit, she's out.

I am so mad right now, that bitch! I didn't even have to think twice, taking my first swing at her face hearing the satisfying sound of bones breaking and saw blood start to ooze out of her lip and nose, oh hell yeah she deserved that one.

"Game on Bitch" I sneered at her, then only one thing went through my mind.

Let the games begin.


Okay so I know this is really shitty But I have had so much homework! I really wanted to update and my friend was bugging me to so I did a quick update:) I hope you like it!

Leave comments and votes hope its note to bad :)

Stay Happy!!

Sarah :)

Badass Werewolf©Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora