Scary Movies

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The next morning, Ashton was the first to wake up. He breathed in deeply before letting it out. He took a moment to enjoy the silence on the bus, since it was normally loud due to having four teenage boys on it. Then he felt a presence near him and finally opened his eyes, to find his face incredibly close to Luke’s. So close that their noses were nearly touching.

Ashton turned over and lay on his back. He reached around for his phone and unlocked it to check the time. It was around seven am, meaning he had about another hour before they would have to wake up. He wanted to get out of his bunk, but he wouldn’t be able to do that with Luke in the way. Well, he could, but he’d most likely end up waking him up. Ashton didn’t want to wake Luke up just yet. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. He also looked a lot younger, like how he did when they first met at the movies years ago.

Ashton turned back to look at the younger boy, remembering the day they met. It was hard to believe how much Luke had grown since then. It had come out of nowhere. One day, he was the shortest out of them, and the next he was taller than all of them. Now Ashton was the shortest of the four, even though he was the oldest. When he started to quiff his hair last summer while they were on the Take Me Home tour, he appeared just a bit older. He also started to work out, which finally gave him some muscle. Facial hair had graced his face last summer as well, and he made sure to shave every few days. Getting his lip pierced and wearing shirts that showed off the muscle he had was the finishing touch. It had only been a year, yet he seemed to age three years.

He snapped himself out of his thoughts and decided to get out of his bunk to take a shower. Carefully, he brought his legs over Luke and felt them go down, and he placed his feet on the bunk underneath his, which belonged to Calum. He stood still for a few seconds, waiting for any reaction from Luke. Nothing happened, and finally he was out. He went to the bunk that had their suitcases in it and searched for his, pulling a new pair of underwear out before grabbing his towel and heading for the bathroom.

He got into the shower and started to wash up quickly, knowing that Calum would be the next to wake and he’d want the shower as soon as he got out. Ashton squeezed some shampoo into the palm of his hand and rubbed them together before lathering his hair. A few strands caught in his hands and he pulled them out, noticing how long they’d gotten. I’m gonna need a haircut soon. he thought before running the shampoo in his hair for a while longer before rinsing it out and reaching for his conditioner. Once he was washed up, he grabbed his towel and dried himself before slipping on his boxers. After brushing his teeth, he opened the bathroom door to go and get his clothes on.

When he opened the door, he found a sleepy Luke rubbing his eyes, holding his towel and boxers. “Morning Ash,” he croaked out in his morning voice, which was much deeper than his normal voice.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Ashton teased before stepping aside to let Luke in.

Luke set his stuff on the counter and yawned, stretching in the process. Ashton found himself staring at his back muscles and turned away before Luke could notice.

Within the next thirty minutes, they were all awake and dressed to do whatever was planned for them that day. Instead of bothering with fixing his hair, Luke had taken Calum’s beanie, and Ashton was wearing one as well. Michael was too, which left Calum out of their little club.

They found out that they were in Germany that day and would be doing interviews, as well as taking over the MTV Germany Twitter account. It was going to be yet another day full of press.

Hours later, they were free for the rest of the afternoon and evening to do whatever they pleased, so long as they didn’t get themselves into any trouble.

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