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“Sweetie, can you take Lauren and Harry to the park? I have to go run some errands.” Ashton’s mum, Anne, said as she struggled to find her car keys. She had her hair up in a ponytail and had her purse hanging from her shoulder. She was ready to go, but she couldn’t go anywhere if she didn’t have her keys. “Where are those damn keys…” she mumbled to herself.

Ashton, who woke up around an hour ago, was sitting at the island in the kitchen eating a late breakfast. His eyes went back to his plate as he swallowed down his food. “Sure, after I get ready and once this food is in my stomach.” he replied. His eyes roamed the kitchen as he chewed on his food, and they fell on something shiny near the sink. “Found your keys.”

Anne turned to her son and saw him gesture to the kitchen sink with his face, since his hands were busy. She sighed in relief and grabbed her keys quickly. She put them in her jeans pocket and pressed a kiss to Ashton’s forehead. “I should be back in an hour or two.” she said as she walked out of the kitchen. “I love you!”

“I love you too!” Ashton called back before turning back to his food and finishing it up. After washing his plate, he ran upstairs to his bedroom to take a shower and get dressed. Before going into his room, he popped into his brother and sister’s rooms to let them know they’d be leaving soon.

Once Ashton was alone in his bathroom showering, his mind wandered to what happened two days ago. His torso was still incredibly sore from the fall he took. However he was glad that Luke broke his fall. Otherwise, he would’ve ended up feeling much worse.


No matter how hard he tried, Ashton couldn’t forget their kiss. Second kiss, to be precise. And I kissed back! What the actual fuck! he thought as he ran shampoo through his hair. He was sure he’d done it because he was disoriented from his fall. He shut his eyes, remembering it exactly before opening them again and shuddering. It felt weird to know that you’d kissed one of your best friends… of the same gender… when you’re both straight.

He sighed as he rinsed the shampoo out of his curls. “Well it wasn’t a bad kiss,” he mumbled to himself. Realizing what he said, his eyes widened and he stood still in the shower for a few seconds. He swore he could feel his heart about to burst out of his chest due to how fast it was beating. Finally he snapped out of it. “I mean... me thinking it wasn’t a bad kiss doesn’t make me gay… its just accepting the facts. Luke’s a good kisser and that’s a fact. That doesn’t mean I’m into him or guys.” he reassured himself.

Once he was washed up he wrapped his towel around himself and went out into his bedroom, picking out clothes. It wasn’t hard, since he wore similar things everyday. He stuck to black skinny jeans, his Weekend Warrior tank top, and some vans shoes that were lying around. He towel dried his hair the best he could, but knew that his siblings would get fussy if they waited until his hair completely dried. Ashton sighed, knowing that his damp hair would frizz up with the heat. To help with it a bit, Ashton grabbed a blue bandana and wrapped it around his head. He was finally ready.

Once he and his siblings were at their closest park, they ran out of the car and headed for a spot in the field, beginning to kick a ball around. Ashton found a tree nearby and sat on the grass, thankful for the shade. He took his phone out and snapped a few pictures of his brother and sister and was about to post them on Instagram, when he remembered that he wasn’t supposed to post anything on any social media he had. With a frown he closed down the app and instead kept the pictures for when he could post them.

Well they didn’t say anything about just looking through social media…

Ashton opened up the Twitter app. He hadn’t been on since the incident and was dying to know what was going on through their fans’ heads. He began to type in his name into the search bar. All he had to do was type the first letter and all sorts of suggestions of him and Luke came up. He stuck to the simple one, and went for “Ashton and Luke kiss”.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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