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Athena and Summer were two very different girls, yet with their differences they both had one thing in common, their ambition. Their desire to see the world.
Athena met Summer one night in a night club in Miami Beach. Summer didn't immediately like Athena due to her lack of adventure but after a year of being friends Athena gained that daring trait Summer naturally inherited.
Now being 22 and not having a care in the world they both set out their path to Europe.


Summer grabbed her carry on and walked off the plane, breathing in the cold London air feeling the goosebumps crawl onto her skin, she smiled. She had always dreamed about leaving her old life and trying to build a new one with new people.

One of those 'new people' in her life being Athena, sure she was the good girl next door type of chick but Summer took chances on people.

Athena stepped onto the pavement next to Summer and smiled. She had been to London a few times before with her father when she was younger but never alone. She was with Summer but she wasn't family and after all family was very important to Athena.

"Wow I can smell the queen from here" said Summer, the girls laughed and continued to walk towards the airport.

They grabbed their luggage and called a cab, they were headed towards a small hotel Athena had found on the internet a few days back. Only booking it for 2 days since they were headed to Greece in 48 hours.

"It's a bit colder than I anticipated it to be" Said Summer rubbing her hands together

"Well winter just ended like a week ago, I wouldn't be surprised if it took a while for it to warm up" replied Athena

"Yeah, well i packed for beachy hot days not chilly ones" Summer huffed

Athena smiled and laughed at her friend, even though Athena was iffy about traveling without her father she knew she needed this trip. She needed to do something she can hold onto when she went back home. Her life had been planned out and she wanted to feel free before being tied down and she knew Summer could help her out with that.

They paid the cabman and proceeded to the check in. While Summer talked to the lady at the front desk Athena stayed back and opened her suitcase looking for the hoodie she knew she would need. She was throwing clothes everything not understanding why she couldn't find her damn hoodie.

Finding it she took her shirt off, leaving her in her bra, she liked wearing hoodies with nothing underneath. She slipped the hoodie on and she heard someone clear their throat behind her.

"Sorry ma'am didn't mean to interrupt but it seems like you have gotten my wife's suitcase instead of yours" his accent seemed to be more Spanish than English , as Athena turned around she gasped. the man looked like he was from a magazine. His features being absolutely gorgeous.

She was stuck, she had no words. She took a better look at him while he just smiled noticing the blonde girl being speechless, before she could say anything else a woman around his age walked towards them both.

"Hello, like my husband already said that is my luggage you have been looking in" she eyed Athena "and my jumper you have on"

Her English accent was noticeable, finally Athena apologized and took the hoodie off immediately, now left in her bra, the gorgeous man she had been drooling over handed her the shirt she had taken off.

Slipping it back on she bent down again to pack the luggage she had vigorously torn apart. Feeling someone next to her she looked and saw the man helping her. God did she feel her stomach flutter.

"I am so sorry" apologized Athena looking at the man but not seeing the woman near.

"Its quite ok" laughed the man "I told my wife leaving the suitcases alone would be a bad idea".

They both stood up and Athena had to know who this man was but before she could ask for his name he asked for hers.

"Athena" she replied

"Ah, like the Greece city" the mysterious married man said

"And yours" asked Athena "considering your accent I'm pretty sure you're not from here"

He smiled, fuck that smile thought Athena

He was about to tell her when the blonde woman appeared again yelling his name, Javier.

"I should go back to Flor, she gets impatient" chuckling he grabbed the suitcase and told Athena "have a great trip, don't confuse anymore suitcases"

she blushed and went to go find Summer.


tbh it's 4 am and I'm just writing for fun srry if it sucked

have a great day!

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