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Athena told Summer what had happened, Summer was more disappointed with the fact that Athena didn't get his number. Even with numerous attempts of telling her that Javier was in fact a married man that didn't change Summers mind.

"If he didn't atleast find you attractive he wouldn't have asked your name bub" said Summer opening their hotel room.

"Maybe he was just being polite" suggested Athena following her inside.

"Being polite would've been him saying thank you and walking away not initiating a conversation" Summer stated raising her eyebrow at Athena.

They both laughed and continued to unpack, take showers and nap due to the jet lag. Around 7 pm is when Summer woke up and decided to finally start their trip.

Summer had found a night club close to their hotel, Athena agreed and they both started to get ready, Summer dressing in a denim skirt and a black tube top. Athena in a blue short flowly dress.

"Fuck we look hot" said Summer as she looked in the mirror while Athena applied mascara. Athena smiled and put on final touches before heading out.

Walking through the main lobby Athena noticed a man in a suit by the bar, she was tempted to walk slower hoping it was Javier and he would look in her direction. But a voice in her head kept reminding her about his wife, shaking her head she looked down and not too long after she bumped into someone.

Being her luck it was the wife, the beautiful brit,

"Sorry, my fault" apologized Athena

"Oh it's you again" said the blonde woman "nice dress, maybe it's mine" she joked trying to ease the awkwardness

Before Athena could say something Summer came and dragged her along, looking back she saw the blonde woman walking towards the man in the bar, which was not Javier.

A few hours had passed and they still could not find the club, defeated they decided to walk around the city of London and explore.

"I'm starving Summer, can we stop and get a bite to eat" whined Athena

"Yeah, but where, all the restaurants are closed" Summer pointed out

She was right it was now 12 and the girls were still 'lost' in the sense they didn't know where they were going. Walking a bit more they reached a bar, they decided it was their best bet to eating something and hopefully getting a few beers in between.

They walked in seeing the bar a bit lonely, a few workers and some people in the back playing pool and sitting at the counter.

The decided to sit at the counter and order some beers, Athena getting sleepy due to the jet lag put her head down while Summer looked around the place. Her eyes landing on a woman with red hair and a beautiful face. She smirked realizing tonight might have not been such a bust after all.


I'm listening to Woman by Harry Styles right now and Can I just saw I love this man, such a whole hearted person.

Oh btw Summer is Bi! She will have a female and male love interest

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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