10: Lying

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~Sai POV~

Watching everything in the sideline- I'm used to it

Riding a car-i'm used to it

Seeing Hikaru beat someone- i got used to it


I was completely NOT used to Hikaru, kissing a boy and manhandling someone.

Of course i was impressed back at the Dojo, but mishandling a boy that looks like he can't even hurt a fly-literally.

That's unusual of Hikaru.

I saw a new side of him.

Another side of Hikaru

I haven't seen before

A cold and cruel Hikaru

Hikaru's mind is like a pandora's box.

Its forbidden but everytime I attempt to read his mind.

I see another side of hikaru & a place inside his mind with vast darkness. I could only take a peek or I'll be in trouble if it opens all the way.

I thought they were just normal thoughts, like everyone else, but seeing Hikaru act like that for the 1st time. Just proves to me

Those mere thoughts , if Hikaru decide to do it or if his self control loosen. He will, surely, take a life if he pleases it.

And that's what scares me, the fact that he's dangerous, the fact that he knows, and the fact that no-one, not even his family knows.

A real living ticking time bomb.

' Hey'

Hikaru spoke out-loud, which scared the soul out of me- oh wait, i'm already a soul

I look at Hikaru.

He was just looking out the window, but his eyes were fixed on Touya's reflection on the tinted glass.

' Aren't you gonna contact your parents?'

Touya look up and look as if he was about to be sent to jail, and was given the chance to bid farewell to his family, one last time before he met hell.

'can i?'

Touya look at Hikaru, asking for permission

Hikaru frowned.' I'm not kidnapping you. I'm just getting you cleaned up before i return you to your parents.

' the way you phrase it, made it look like I -'

Touya swallowed the remaining words, afraid of Hikaru's reaction.

Hikaru frowned again

Touya made no time to waste, fished out his phone and contacted his parents. I move closer to him and leaned in, trying to listen to their conversation.

' Good evening mom'

' Oh hey akira.

Oh wait- are you gonna tell me that you're gonna be late going home and will stay in the Go salon and wait for that boy again'

' uhm- well- that's how it is.

Sorry mom.

I'm missing dinner again, but don't worry i'll just eat at a nearby restaurant and play a few games.

If he's not coming, i'll go home by then'

' oh- okay.

Well, take care akira. Don't forget to stay warm and take care of your health. I love you'

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