Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hey, It's Michaelann! When you're reading this, I would appreciate it if you would pronounce my name correctly in your head or aloud. My name is not pronounced "Michael-Ann', It's pronounced 'Mi-Kay-Lynn'. Haha, sorry, I have a pet peeve.


Chapter One:

I'm a massive fan of One Direction. Sorry, scratch that. I am a massive, MASSIVE fan of One Direction. I can't stop thinking about them. When Chasing Cars comes on the radio, I think of their success on X-Factor UK, I think how they are most successful of all nine seasons. Sorry, I ramble on sometimes.

My routine when I wake up in the morning, I go to this wonderful fan site at This is where I learn One Direction's every move when they're off tour. The chat room on there is phenomenal. You can legitimately talk to all of the members of the band, even some of their girlfriends. This comes in handy for, girls like me, who live in a different country, it helps to know that we can try and talk to them.

So, this morning I attempt to talk to my special Irish snowflake, Niall Horan. I invite him to talk to me in a private chat. This causes enough excitement that I almost explode. After a short time and forty invites to him, he finally accepts! NIALL JAMES HORAN ACCEPTED MY INVITATION! I swear, I have a mini heart attack. I try to quickly respond, but he beats me to it.

His message read, 'Please stop.'

I could've burst into tears. All he did was want to tell me to stop. I didn't mean to annoy him, just the possibility of me meeting them is extremely slim, the way was through cyberspace, and he rejected me. This ruined most of my day. I spent the rest of the day was spent on Facebook, worshipping One Direction's pictures.

Finally, my mom came home from her job as a daycare provider. She normally has wretched stories of her two year-olds. Today, she instead had an enormous smile on her face.

"MICHAELANN! I'VE GOT MAIL FOR YOU!" I have been pen pals with a few of friends that don't have cell phones, so getting mail was nothing unusual. I wasn't really in the mood for mail, though.

"Who is it from, Ma?" I ask enthusiastically.

She responded with, "It says some radio station. Honey, have you entered any One Direction contest lately?" Of course I have. I have probably entered every one available. I get a thought in my head. What if I actually won one?!

"Mom gimme it!" I ran and tried to take it from her hands.

"No, Michaelann, you have to wait for the entire family." She says this with a wink and walks away. It's going to be a LONG wait.

Another Author's Note: I just wanted to let you all know that Niall would never do that, it's for the sake of the story. There's probably going to be an author's note at the end, so beware :D. And the fan site that I mentioned really is an awesome site.

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