Chapter 14

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Author’s Note: Also I am changing Becca’s name to Greer and eliminating Gabby, Nate’s girlfriend, I want to create some couple drama with and without One Direction. My cousin, Greer, has requested to be with Harry. Who wouldn’t want to be? K So we even might make a sequel from the point of views’ of Harry and Greer at the sweepstakes. Comment and tell me if you like it and if we should do the sequel.

Chapter 14

Michaelann’s POV:

We all brought our suitcases up to our hotel after Paul had the fans at ease in a corner of the lobby. Niall and I dropped our suitcases off at what has become our room. I couldn’t complain, yet for some reason I feel sort of bad for Sarah and Nate. Greer and I have been the only ones that have really bonded with One Direction. Not Nellie, that… jerk. But Sarah, Greer, Nellie and Nate would have to share a room. I wish I were going here for, because, quite frankly, it would be interesting.

When we went up with Paul, he said, “Well, um, Niall, stay in your hotel room until I come to your door in the morning. The rest of the boys will be on a secured floor. We don’t want fans to invade your space. Michaelann, you can’t leave either, so as not to grow suspicion.” As he said that, the mob of fans from the lobby already started running down the hall.

“Let’s go!”  Niall shouted, eager to get away from the vicious girls. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into our room.

“Whoa.” I gasped. I knew the One Direction fans were world renown for being the most aggressive out of all the fandoms, but just at a distance they looked gruesome.

“I am glad you weren’t like that.” Niall said.

“I’m glad I wasn’t either. But I kind of was mad at you, so I wasn’t truly as excited as I could have been.” I realized that if I weren’t mad at him, I would have been like those fans. In the elevator, I would…Ah; you could only imagine what I would’ve done. Would’ve, could’ve, should’ve. But I am sharing a room with him, I have plenty of chances.

“Well, what are we going to eat? We can’t leave…” Niall started to mumble. “I don’t think we have room service…”

I laughed, “We could call my buddies.”

Niall quickly agreed and I dialed their number to the hotel room phone.

“Hello?” I heard on the other line.

“Hi, it’s Michaelann. We were wondering…  If you could, so kindly, bring us some food. As we are not to leave the room.” I said in my kindest voice.

“Nate!!! Who’s on the phone?” I heard in the background. I recognized that voice as my cousin, Sarah.

“Sarah, it’s Michaelann!” Nate calmly responded.

“OH! The wisenheimer! HEY! HOW IS OUR SNOWFLAKE?” She yelled. Ah, she always called me wisenheimer after she heard my mom call me it.  Niall started listening when he heard his nickname.

“Great! Uh, so what about the food?” Niall asked impatiently.

“Umm, I really don’t know what we’re going to do for dinner. Just a sec.” Niall groaned after Nate told we had to wait, for a second. I laughed to myself. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up with his appetite.

We waited for definitely more than a minute. “Yeah, we will, so kindly, bring you dinner. We’re going to Mickey D’s. What do you want?” A different voice spoke to me through the phone.

“Uh, what is Mickey D’s?” Niall asked quizzically.

“McDonalds. Um, just get me French fries and a chocolate shake.” I said.

“You Americans,” He said with a smile. “I would like a Big Mac, a large chips, and a large coke.”

“What was after the Big Mac?” The voice said. The voice I finally realized was Nellie’s. Ugh.

“A large fries and a large coke.” I responded for him, quite aggressively, which I didn’t mean to.

“Geez. Settle down. We’ll be back in around fifteen minutes.” Nellie snapped and hung up.

“Who was that?” Niall questioned.

“Oh. Nellie. God. She can be so annoying sometimes.” I said.

“You didn’t seem too pleasant yourself.” He said with a smirk.

“HEY!” I defended myself, elbowing him as I walked over to the side table to grab the remote.

“We have some time to kill. Do you have anything to do?” Niall asked, actually sounding bored.

“Um. We have the T.V. I also have cards.” I suggested, “I can teach you spit.”

“Spit? What kind of name is that?” Niall laughed.

“I didn’t name it. You wanna learn?” I repeated.

“Uh, sure.” He agreed.

Author’s Note: If you don’t know what the card game, Spit, is, you should definitely look it up. It is legitimately the best card game. So, look it up if you want to see what it is because I am horrible at describing, as you probably noticed. I am also apologizing for Nellie in advance; I only made her a bitch for the sake of the story. She is really nice in person. J

  Niall and I had an intense game after he got the hang of it, but I won.

“FINALLY!” Niall yelled as we heard a knock at the door. He jumped up and quickly let them in.

“Hey.” Sarah, Nellie, and Nate said.

“Where’s Greer?” I asked. I jumped to the conclusion that since Harry had definitely flirted with her on the plane and she had texted me nonstop about him while we were in the car, he had took her away.

“We really don’t know… She said that she didn’t like McDonalds, so she went to another restaurant. She left before we could ask where.” Sarah said, as she seated herself on my bed.

“Hm.” I hummed as I grabbed my phone, and texted her.

New message to Greer:

Where r u? were eating w/out u. harry better not hve kidnappd u! ;)

Seconds later, I get the reply.

New message from Greer:

Hehe. Thts exactly wat happened. Harry sed hed have me back by  8:30. L I hope l8r ;)

“She’s with Harry.” I informed the group. While they finished their bite, I responded.

New message to Greer:

Lol. don’t go 2 fast, ;) don’t need a child J

I laughed at myself.

“SERIOUSLY?” Nellie said as the news I had told finally went through her mind.

“Yeah. Why is that surprising?” I question farther, hoping she wasn’t hinted what I thought she was.

“Oh… No reason.” Nellie shot back. Niall gave a what-the-hell-is-going-on look.

“Talk to you later.” I said under my breath but loud enough for Niall to hear it. He just shrugged and continued eating, obviously. I was pleasantly dipping my fries in my shake, when I heard Nellie gag in disgust as I took a bite of my French fry.

“Do you have a problem?” I said, this time really digging my French fry in the shake.

“Yes, you’re my solution.” Niall said simply, patted my hand then continued eating.   Oh, Niall, too engrossed in his food to see whom I was talking to. Sarah and Nate laughed and continued to sit there awkwardly feel the tension grow between us.

Author’s Note: I decided I want to be like those authors who say ‘follow me’ and such so here I go:

Follow me: @ItsMichaelann on twitter

And I am not one of those phonies who say they follow back and don’t, so, I do follow back, not right away perhaps, but I will definitely follow you. Don't forget to leave comments and ratings!!! Love you all!

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