Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Michaelann's POV:

            We were now on a high-speed chase with the police. The man had jerked the truck so many times, I am sure to have bruises. We swiftly turned onto a random road, and I had no idea what town we were at, but apparently this guy knew where we were going. The police car passed the road we drove down and I wanted to shout at them, to tell them that we went this way, but I couldn't. I felt as if I would be punished, abused, if I did.

            "So, I have a plan for you." The man spoke to me for the first time in this hell trip.

             "Really, what is that?" I asked impatiently. The man shot a death stare into the rearview mirror.

            "Just to keep you hostage. Keep me company." He said with a hint of pain in his voice, which I ignored.

            "Interesting. You tear people from their perfect lifes? How nice of you." I snapped with a lot of sarcasm.

            "Yep." He nodded, satisfied with my fed up reaction. We finally reached the end of what seemed to be endless drive. He opened the door I was leaning on, causing me to fall onto the hard pavement below me. He grabbed my elbow bending it in a very uncomfortable position and dragging me into a warehouse that you see in horror movie. I was legitimately living one. He threw me in an awkward chair and slapped my stomach, making me gramice and started running around the chair. My stomach had been unusually uncomfortable lately O.o. Even though I knew he was trapping me with the chair, I couldn't help but laugh at the man running around like a madman. 

            "There." He said satisfied. He pulled up a chair.

            "Um, that was fun... How long are you going to keep me here?" I asked, as he looked me over.

            "As long as I want to. Which is a while. So what do you wanna talk about?" He asked, rather kindly.

            Surprisingly, he didn't torture me, like you suspected. Oddly enough, we talked, no beating, no hurting. Just talked freely. We talked about family, which he didn't have one, about dating, he had never had a successful relationship, and about life in general. It was honestly weird, I have to admit. I was expecting to experience one of the worst parts of my life, but I've never talked without worry before.

Niall's POV:

            I pulled over on the side of the highway, I was overwhelmed with emotion; fear, anger, sadness, and unaccomplishment. I slammed my head against the steering wheel and let a tear stream down my cheek. I thought how weak and I look next ot my other bandmates with no girlfriend, the one I had a chance with got kidnapped. KIDNAPPED. Who the fuck gets kidnapped? In a ice cream shop even?! JESUS! 

            All of my lads are off married or seriously dating. I'm a wreck! *ring, ring, ring* my phone starts having a spasm attack.

            "Hello?" I croaked.

            "Gues- Wait, what's the matter?" Zayn questioned, instantly sensing my mood.

            "Nothing." I sniffled, trying yo sound serious but failing miserably.

           "Seriously, Niall, what's going on?" Zayn presisted as I heard some shufflling in the background, sounding like chairs being pulled out.

            "Michaelann... Got, uh, kidnapped." I sighed. How odd that sounded.Stay strong, Niall, stay strong.

            "Wait, what?" I heard a high-pitched voice. Uh-oh.

            "Perrie, I don't think this is a good time..." Zayn muttered.

            "Oh, uh, hi, Perrie." I said. I was on speakerphone with both of them, which meant they had something exciting to tell me. "Congratulations!" I said more enthusiastically than before, realizing that they got engaged.

            "Oh, sorry, Niall. If I had known..."Zayn started.

            "There is no way you could have." I exasperated.

            "So did you call the police yet?" Perrie ventured.

            "Yeah, of course.They said 'stay calm' and shit like that." I groaned.

            "I'm really sorry, Niall," Zayn apologized. A long silence passed before he spoke up again. "What are you going to do?"

            That was that question I didn't know the answer to. Should I wait for her? Should I go back to Ireland? If I stayed, would I stay at her parents? If I weny, how would I know she was free? "I don't know." I stated.

Author's Note: The reason I made the kidnapper sorta kind was because I didn't wanna do any graphic scenes because, frankly, that would bring the rating from PG-13 to R and I am horrible at describing scenes especially bloody and/or violent ones. I am SURE Niall won't be a wreck in ten years, but again (I know I always say this but it's true) for the sake of the story. But on a VERY IMPORTANT NOTE, what do you guys want to happen? I have scenarios for both staying and leaving. SO LEAVE YOUR OPINIONS BELOW!!! I NEED YOUR OPINION! I am going to be on most of the night, so do it right after you read it so I can get writing!

Talk to You (A Niall Horan Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя