5 : E D E N _ C L U B [1/4]

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"Ah, by the way..." Hank spoke up after a while, in his familiar grumpy tone. "You'll never believe what this plastic fuck did earlier tonight."
"Plastic what now? What happened?" you leaned forward curiously and with a cheeky smile, eyebrows slightly raised, expecting Connor to have done something goofy.
"He broke my fucking window."
You let out a laugh. "Oh wow, seriously? How? Why?"
"I was... uuh, takin' a nap. Didn't hear the doorbell. So, fucker broke it and climbed in."
"Oh damn, I see..." You glanced at the android who was focused on the road.
"Eh. CyberLife better pay for the window." Hank shrugged.
"I'm sure they will. I mean, Connor only gave me a heart attack standing at my back door, waking me up from my nap." You mentioned, and the Lieutenant chuckled and shook his head in response.
"My apologies..." Connor commented. "You were on the kitchen floor unconscious, Lieutenant." He defended himself. "You could have been dead for all I knew."
"Ooh, so that's how it is. Taking a nap, huh?" you teased Hank.
"Whatever..." Anderson mumbled, turning to look out the window.
"Don't mind him, Connor. He's just a grumpy old fart." You teased, trying to make light of the situation.

" You teased, trying to make light of the situation

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"Ah... Feels like somebody's playing with a drill inside my skull..." Hank mumbled, as you pulled up at the Club. "You sure this is the place?"
"It's the address in the report." Connor told him.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" you questioned, and the three of you got out of the car. "Can't wait to see what this is all about..." you admired the neon lights and bright screens all over the front of the establishment and roofed over path leading to the front door, almost causing your eyes to hurt.

"Sexiest androids in town... Now I know why you insisted on coming here!" the Lieutenant joked, smiling at Connor, who didn't respond, seemingly not understanding at all. "... Oh boy..." he quietly muttered under his breath and you held back a chuckle.

Upon entering the front room of the club, you were met by the sound of electronic music playing behind the other door, and several androids standing inside their chambers, like they're on display. After stepping through, there were many more androids, some dancing on poles, the music now being much louder. As you were looking around, you spotted Ben Collins, speaking with the owner of the Club, and walked towards them with your partners.

"Hi Ben." you greeted.
"Hey (Y/N), hey Hank."
"Hey Ben, how's it going?" the Lieutenant asked.
"It's that room there. Oh, uh, by the way... Gavin's in there too."
"Oh boy..." you said quietly.
"Yeah, great. A dead body and an asshole, just what we needed..." Hank snarkily commented.

Out of all colleagues, Gavin was the one you liked the least. He was the only one you never quite got along with... Not like he himself gets along with anyone anyways, people mostly just seem to tolerate him. His unpleasant nature known to most makes you somewhat uncomfortable, especially when he tries making moves on you every so often. Needless to say, you always turn him down. His strange behavior towards you sometimes pisses you off. It was confusing. Why would he keep asking you out all the while being so condescending and negative? You could only assume he felt threatened by your presence or something like that, given the fact you climbed the career ladder so quickly and are one of the best detectives around.

Inside you were greeted by Gavin and Chris.

"Well, well, well..." Gavin crossed his arms. "If it isn't the Lieutenant with his plastic prick, finally joined by Detective Prettyface." You rolled your eyes in response. "The fuck are you three doin' here?"

"We've been assigned all cases involving androids." Connor stated.
"Oh yeah? Well, you're wasting your time. Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle." the Detective let out a laugh.
"We'll have a look anyway, if you don't mind." Hank responded.
"Pff..." Gavin scoffed before looking at you. "Hey (Y/N), my offer on getting a drink together some time still stands."
"As much as I admire your will power and perseverance," you said with a sarcastic tone. "I'm gonna have to say no. For the 100th time."
"Well, yeah, you know I'll just keep asking until you say yes, right?" he winked rather awkwardly, making you cringe
"Ugh. Beat it, Gav. Before I file a harassment suit against your desperate ass." You shrugged him off.
"Tsk... Come on, let's go..." he signaled to Chris. "It's, uh..." he took a short sniff "starting to stink of booze in here..."
Finally, he left, provocatively bumping into Connor on his way out, and Chris followed. "Night, guys." He said, with an apologetic look on his face.

As you were taking a look around the room, you started wondering if Gavin keeps asking you out as a joke to get on your nerves, or if he's actually trying... But you weren't interested either way. Despite occasional crushes and a few short-lived relationships, you were trying to be very careful with who you'd date, especially since your divorce, perhaps waiting for "the right one", or something similarly cheesy.

You and Connor walked over to the victim lying on the big round bed and the android proceeded to scan the man, who was half-covered with a red velvet blanket. You barely observed him and almost instantly noticed purple markings around his neck. "He didn't die of a heart attack." The android next to you confirmed. "He was strangled."
"Yeah, I know." Anderson replied. "I saw the bruising on the neck. Doesn't prove anything though. Could've been rough play..."

Next, you followed Connor over to a dead Traci that was lying on the ground.  He examined it and you looked over his shoulder with curiosity. "The only way to access its memory is to reactivate it." Connor told you. "Can you do it?" you asked him. "It's badly damaged... If I can, it'll only be for a minute, maybe less..." You looked on in fascination with Hank right behind you as Connor proceeded to basically open up her stomach, revealing some wires, one of which was disconnected. "I just hope it's long enough to learn something." He grabbed the wire ends to reconnect them...

A Reason to Change | Connor x Human Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now