10 : K A M S K I [2/3]

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Hank got out of the car and you followed suit rather reluctantly; it was very cold and snowy, sending a small shiver down your spine as the cold hit you while exiting the vehicle. You noticed Connor has stayed behind, his eyes closed. But before you could say anything, the Lieutenant's phone went off, causing him to sigh in frustration.
"Anderson?" he answered the device. "Oh. ... U-huh... ... Yeah... ... Jesus Christ... ... Alright..."
"What is it?" you whispered, leaning in.
"Right... I'll call back later..." Hank hung up and turned to you. "It's Chris..."
"What about him?"
"You know that stuff that happened last night? He was on patrol, and..."
In the meantime, Connor joined the two of you.
"Is everything okay?" the android asked.
Anderson looked back and forth between Connor and you. "... Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants..."
"Oh my god..." you exclaimed quietly and in shock.
"He said he was saved by Markus himself..."
"He's alive? Thank goodness..." you responded, visibly relieved.
"Is Chris okay?" Connor asked.
"Yeah, he's in shock but... he's alive..."
You shook your head in disbelief. "Wow... I- I don't even know what to say..."
"Me neither..." Hank mumbled, before all three of you began walking towards the big, highly modern looking building, a small bridge over a frozen creek leading to the front door.
"Kamski left CyberLife ten years ago..." Connor commented. "Why did you want to meet him?"
"This guy created the first android to pass the Turing test." Hank replied. "And he's the founder of CyberLife. Anybody can tell us about deviants, it's him..."

You were the first to arrive at the big door and proceeded to ring the bell. Impatiently, you were about to ring it again, when the door swung open to reveal a beautiful, female, blonde android, wearing a blue dress, and no shoes. She looked at you expectantly.
"Hi..." Hank greeted the android. "Uh... I'm, uh, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, this is Detective (L/N), Detroit Police Department. We're here to see, uh, Mr. Elijah Kamski."
"Please, come in." the android smiled, gesturing for you to come inside, stepping away from the door.
Both Hank and you were taken aback by her flawless appearance and it took a moment for you to respond. "Uh, thanks..."

The three of you entered while the female android shut the door, before returning to you.
"I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourselves comfortable." She smiled gently and walked off into another room, the sliding door closing behind her automatically.
There were two modern, somewhat sumptuous, red armchairs in which Hank and you took a seat, while Connor walked around, seemingly analyzing everything in his sight.
You looked around the big room. Numerous pieces of art were situated in several spots; statues, wall pieces and the like. Additionally, a huge portrait of Mr. Kamski hung on one of the grey, concrete walls, giving off a very smug, almost self-obsessed yet intimidating vibe.
"Nice girl..." Hank spoke up.
"Yeah..." You responded quietly.
"You're right..." Connor chimed in. "She's really pretty..."
For some reason, his comment made your heart sink just a little, with the smallest spark of jealousy...
"Nice place..." Anderson continued. "Guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody."
You nodded in agreement.
"So, you're about to meet your maker, Connor." The Lieutenant looked at the android who was still walking around the room, scanning things. "How does it feel?"
"Kamski is one of the great geniuses of the 21st century." He responded. "It'll be interesting to meet him in person."
"Sometimes I wish I could meet my creator face to face..." Hank grumbled. "I'd have a couple things I'd wanna tell him..."
You let out a small sigh. "Oh, yeah... Same..."

After a minute of silence, the sliding door opened to reveal the female android. "Elijah will see you now." She informed you, and the three if you made your way into the other room.

Your jaw almost dropped in astonishment when the first thing that caught your attention was the full window front with a stunning view, overlooking the partly frozen river, the city in the distance, and even CyberLife tower to the left, not even that far away. Your eyes continued to wander around, stopping at the red-tiled pool in front of you. Two of the same female android models were hanging out in the water at the edge of the pool, while Mr. Kamski was on the other end, looking at you and your partners.
"Mr. Kamski?" Hank addressed the man.
"Just a moment please." He responded, before swimming another lap.
Classic music quietly echoed through the room, and you and your partners walked over to the other side of the pool towards the windows, to wait for Elijah.
You watched as the blue-dressed android got a robe that she helped Kamski put on as soon as he got out of the water. The man fixed his hair, before turning his attention to you.
"I'm Lieutenant Anderson. This is Detective (L/N), and Connor." Hank introduced you.
"What can I do for you?"
"Sir, we're investigating deviants." Anderson explained. "We know you left CyberLife years ago but, we were hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don't know..."
Kamski just looked at you, pausing for a moment.
"Deviants..." he started off. "Fascinating, aren't they? Perfect beings with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will..." He raised his brows slightly. "Machines are so superior to us. Confrontation was inevitable... Humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall. Isn't it ironic?" Elijah smiled.
"Deviancy seems to spread like some kind of virus." Connor stated. "We thought you might know something about that."
"All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics..." Mr. Kamski looked at all three of you. "Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?"
"Listen, we didn't come here to talk philosophy. The machines you created may be planning a revolution." Hank grumbled. "Either you tell us something that'll be helpful, or we will be on our way."
Kamski paused, before looking at your android partner. "What about you, Connor?" the man asked, walking towards him. "Whose side are you on?"
"It's not about me, Mr Kamski. All I want is to solve this case." He stated with a determined look on his face.

Kamski smiled, letting out a tiny chuckle. "Well, that's what you're programmed to say... But you..." he stepped closer to the android, and you could immediately feel the atmosphere become a lot more tense.

"What do you really want?"

A Reason to Change | Connor x Human Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now