6 : L I G H TS _ O U T

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Once inside, Connor helped you out of your jacket and neatly hung it on the coat hook by the front door.
"You're too kind." you smiled at him and proceeded to take off your shoes.
At the same time, your dog strutted towards you, gretting you happily as usual.
"Hmm... I should probably wash my hair..." you mentioned while carefully touching the back of your head.
"Do you need assistance?" Connor asked.
"I think I can manage, but thanks." You smiled ad him softly.
"I understand, but may I suggest that I be present anyways, so I can help you in case your condition worsens? Especially since the Lieutenant asked me to ensure you're alright."
You paused for a moment to think, unsure if you're comfortable with having an android with you just like that... Especially him, with the way he makes you feel...
"Uhm... I don't know..." you looked away.
"I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. I can leave if you'd like me to." He suggested.
"It's not that... I'm... Just not used to having an android in my house, you know? ... You can stay, I guess." You explained and walked through your bedroom and into the bathroom, Connor following you close by. 

You gulped when he entered the bathroom right behind you and an uncomfortable silence surrounded the two of you.
"Uh... I'll just put on some music..." you quickly went back to your bedroom to turn on the stereo that was standing on your dresser. Since you had such a rough day, you decided to put on something calm and relaxing before returning to the bathroom.
While you prepared to wash your hair over the tub by turning on the water, Connor tried making conversation.
"I wasn't aware you listened to music other than old-school Metal."
"Yeah, Metal may be my favorite, but I still listen to other stuff... I mean Hank for example, he really likes Jazz."
"Right, I saw the records at his home."
"Huh, you really like to observe, don't you?" you asked him curiously while bending over the tub to start washing your hair.
"Correct. I like to scan my surroundings to try and find out more about people. It's especially helpful during investigations, as it helps me reconstruct crime scenes for instance."
"That's cool..." you paused. "But, you know... You can just ask me stuff, if there's anything you'd like to know." You informed him while carefully washing your hair, trying not to affect the wound. You sighed as you watched the residual blood flow down the drain.

Man... What. A. Day.

"That's pleasant to hear... The Lieutenant doesn't seem to like it when I ask him personal questions." Connor mentioned.
"That's Hank for ya." You chuckled.
It was silent for a moment with the music from your stereo quietly playing in the background, before Connor spoke up. "So, can I ask you a personal question?"
"Go ahead." You said happily while wrapping your hair up in a towel.
"The family photo on your desk at the police station... Your father has passed, right?"
You didn't expect that sort of question and took a deep breath, before responding.
"Right... He was... very ill..."
Connor could see the change in your facial expression, turning from a soft smile to a frown almost instantly.
"I didn't mean to upset you."
"It's alright. I just... I still miss him terribly..." you sighed.
"I understand. The loss of a loved one can be... devastating."

You paused while looking at the floor for a moment before looking back at Connor.
"Hm... Do you... actually understand though?"
Connor tilted his head slightly and his brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
"I was just wondering... Do you really understand? Being an android and all? How is it possible for you to... understand?"
He opened his mouth to say something, but it looked like he was having trouble finding a proper answer... He blinked and looked away, his LED even flashing yellow for only a moment.
You noticed that he seemed bewildered. "I'm sorry. Never mind."
You let out a sigh and inspected his face. "Uh, Connor..."
"We should probably get rid of the Thirium around your nose, you know."
"I suppose you're right." He responded and turned to look at the mirror above the sink, trying to wipe it off with his hand.
"Here, let me help you..." you grabbed a small towel and put a little water on it before turning towards Connor.
"I do appreciate it." Connor responded while looking down at you, a very soft smile on his face.

Yet again, you felt your heart beat faster as you looked up at his tall figure, raising your hand towards his face slowly. He didn't take his dark brown eyes off you, which made your face feel hot almost instantly.

He's... Stunning...

You tried your hardest to keep your hand from shaking in nervousness and gulped, while carefully dabbing the wet towel around his nose and lips, removing the Thirium.

You tried your hardest to keep your hand from shaking in nervousness and gulped, while carefully dabbing the wet towel around his nose and lips, removing the Thirium

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"There, all better." You smiled at him and put the towel away.
Connor looked at himself in the mirror and adjusted his tie. "Thank you."
He turned to look at you. "How are you feeling?"
"A little better than before, but my head still hurts... And I feel kind of nauseous to be honest..."
"Those are common symptoms of a concussion. You really should rest." Connor suggested and walked you over to your bed.
"Thanks again for helping me out, Connor."
"You're welcome."

You sat down on your bed while the android stood in front of you, a few steps away.
"Hey, uhm..." you looked up at him. "So,is it my turn to ask a personal question?" you asked him with a cheeky smile.
"I don't see why not."
"Tell me... Why didn't you shoot that Traci back at the Club?"
Connor blinked a few times. "I... I'm not sure..."
"Well, I think you did the right thing, Connor." You smiled at him softly.
"I appreciate it... But... Letting them go wasn't helpful to the mission at all... I don't know why I didn't shoot. I should've been more efficient." He stated with a determined look on his face.
"... Oh. I see." For some reason, you expected... perhaps a more... human response? "Must be one important mission..."
Connor tilted his head in confusion.
"Well... I guess I should go to sleep."
"Right. Don't hesitate to see a doctor, or call for an ambulance should your condition worsen."
"Fingers crossed that won't happen... I have tomorrow off, so I'll probably just lay in bed all day."
"That sounds like a plan. I shall leave you to it."
"Alright then." You were about to get up to walk him to the front door, but Connor wasn't having it.
"Oh, you don't have to. By all means, do get some rest. I know the way out." He smiled politely.
"Fine, whatever you say." You smiled back. "Guess I'll see you around."
"Have a good night, (Y/N)."
And with that, he walked out, petting your dog before leaving through the front door. You let out a huge sigh after hearing it shut, and let yourself fall backwards onto your bed.

What kind of response was I expecting?
He's just an android, damn it... Why the hell do I feel like this...?

You spent a few more minutes laying there and thinking, the music still playing in the background. You took a deep breath and finally got up to put on comfortable clothes and brush your teeth, getting ready for bed. You let your dog outside quickly and turned off the lights in the living room afterwards, and took your dog into the bedroom with you, where it made itself comfortable in its bed. You turned off the music and laid down, and turned off the bedside lamp. You sighed yet again, unable to stop thinking about every little thing that happened.
Needless to say, it took you quite a while to fall asleep...

A Reason to Change | Connor x Human Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now