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"I didn't choose you. I just took one look at you and then- there's no turning back."

Kara heard the shouting pretty clear. She dropped the ball in her hand and ran toward the sound. It didn't seem very good. And Mom had told her that whenever something didn't seem good, someone would need help.

"Freak!" she heard the word from a group of children her age, circling around another one and shouting some more horrible words.


"You're sick!"

The rude words that Kara had been taught to never say were being spat out by those children and it boiled her blood. She rushed to them, angrily demanded, "Stop!"

They turned around and frowned at her. "Who are you?" a boy asked.

Before Kara answered, another boy did it for her, "I know. She's the new girl. Moved here yesterday."

"Then stay away, new kid," warned the biggest boy.

Kara spotted the poor kid lying on the ground and crossed her arms, "Or what?"

The group all faced her, appearing to be tough and scary. "Or you'll join the freak."

"You need to be careful," Kara gritted her teeth, "Do you know why I have to move? Because I bite."

"What?" chuckled a girl from the group.

"Yes, I bite," Kara repeated and made the growling sound from the deep spot in her throat, "I bit my neighbor's ear off. Your ears look yummy!" With a groan, Kara tried to make her own saliva spill out from the corner of her mouth, preferably with foams and crouched down on four like a dog.

"Oh my god, she's crazy!" screamed a boy when Kara charged at them, acting like a werewolf, snapping her teeth at their faces. The group scattered all over and ran away. One of them even left a shoe behind.

"Left her with the freak!"

After the scared opponents had disappeared, Kara stood up and wiped off the sticky saliva from her chin. She smirked and walked to the kid that got bullied earlier. That was a girl in her fluffy green dress. Her black hair that used to be a ponytail had been pulled off and the hair tie hung loosely mid-way.

"Hey," Kara crouched down next to her, "you okay?"

A pair of big round eyes looked up at her and Kara startled at how gorgeous they looked. And more importantly, they had two different colors. A blue and green one. Kara never thought this could happen. "Y-yeah. Thank you," said the girl.

"Why did they try to hurt you?" asked Kara, picking up the teddy bear that was on the ground, looking like it belonged to this girl for sharing the same fate.

"Because I look different," answered the girl, gesturing her eyes. "Do you think I'm a freak, too?"

Kara opened eyes wider, "What? No! Look at me. I'm the only one with yellow hair in my family and they never call me a freak. My mom loves my hair so much she dyes it to match with mine. And by the way, I love your eyes. And dress."

The girl smiled, "Thank you. I really like your hair."

Kara pulled the braid over her shoulder, "Really? Thanks! I did it myself." She glanced at the girl, "Do you want me to braid your hair?"

The girl blushed, hiding half of her face behind the teddy's butt, "You wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not! I always want to braid someone's hair but my sister's hair is too short and my mom likes her hair in a bun better," Kara pointed at the bench nearby, "Let's go sit there."

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