2 - Mother Knows Best

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Norman's P.O.V

My chest tightened as I closed the large front door. I already knew I'd get an earful from Mother for being around the new girl longer than she liked.

I decided to make some breakfast before I started my daily tasks. I went into the kitchen behind the staircase and began thinking about what I wanted to eat. My appetite began to dissipate because of the dread filling my system. Thinking about Mother sometimes gave me more anxiety.

I settled on just making a sandwich. Nothing too special. I set it on the table after I finished making it, and grabbed a glass cup from one of the cabinets. Opening the refrigerator, I saw a carton of milk and decided that would be fine. I poured the milk in my glass about halfway, then put the carton back in the refrigerator.

I sat down at the table with my small breakfast and began eating the sandwich. After a couple bites, I took a sip of milk. Neither of these things were really satisfying my stomach. My anxiety was getting the best of me. Suddenly I heard a yell from upstairs. "Norman!!"

I didn't flinch because it didn't surprise me that Mother was calling. However it still made me feel sick every time she did. My hands started to shake as I pushed my breakfast away and rushed out the kitchen. A few seconds later she was calling for me again. I was practically running up the stairs to her room.

Upon entering said room, I closed the door behind me and noticed she was sitting in her rocking chair in front the window, like usual. She was slowly rocking back and forth as she gazed out into the yard. I took a deep breath before I spoke. "Y-yes, Mother?"

"Who's the whore outside?" I gulped- I had anticipated this conversation. Though it didn't surprise me anymore how she addressed other women. "She's a g-guest, Mother. She just checked i-in." I knew she would never believe anything I said though.

"That's what you say about every filthy slut that comes to this motel," she snapped. I huffed in annoyance. "S-shes not a slut! She's a very n-nice young lady. You should be glad she's here.." I mumbled the last part, but mother heard me anyways. "Why's that?"

I thought carefully of how to answer, but I knew she would get mad regardless.

"W-well.. business has b-been a bit slow lately, so-"

Mother's chair stopped rocking. "And who's fault is that?!" I flinched at her harsh tone. I had no time to answer before she started yelling again. "Yours! You run this motel! It's your job to get out and attract customers! I'd do it if I could, because you can't seem to do anything right!"

Though I got lectures like this numerous times before, that didn't mean her words hurt any less each time.

"Watch who you let into this motel boy. And I don't want that bitch anywhere near this house, you hear me?" As much as I hated to, I couldn't help but retaliate. "How are we supposed to have business if you disprove of everyone that comes by?! You complain about the slow days, then you complain when people come- there's just no pleasing you! Nothing is ever satisfying! I'll run this motel the way I want, and you stay out of it!"

Her chair started rocking again, and I knew she was enjoying the fact she had made me angry. Without waiting for a response, I stormed out her room and slammed the door behind me. I quickly descended down the stairs and walked down to the cellar. My breakfast was at the back of my mind.

I just hoped (Y/N) hadn't heard Mother.


Sorry this chapter is significantly shorter, I don't have time to add much more to it right now, but I wanted to give you guys something since it's been so long. Hopefully this is enough for now. I'll be working on the next chapter either later tonight or tomorrow!

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