Part 16||Music

135 6 16

A/N: Thanks for reading my story you guys.  Also, thx for over 100 reads.  I appreciate it <3.  Never thought it'd pass 20


Josh had went home earlier today and is coming back later so I figured I should record a song.  

I don't know

where I'm supposed to go
So I might Just

Take my pride and go

Some people

they know
know everything
but I know
that they don't know my heart

cause I
oh yeah I, believe in love
And I hope
I can show you what I mean

I don't believe, love's for me
so won't you, 
come around and

prove me wrong

I recorded the whole song, playing on my piano.  It's called 'Prove Me Wrong'

I checked the time.  Half an hour until Jishwa get's here.  

I start to part two halves of my heart in the dark and I
Don't know where I should go and the tears and the fears begin to multiply
Taken time in a simple place; in my bed where my head rests on a pillowcase

And It's said that a war's led but I forget that I let another day go by

I want to be afraid but it seems that these days
I'm caught under water and I'm falling farther
My heart's getting harder, I'm calling my father
Am I screaming to an empty sky?
Empty sky, no way, that's me cause one half of my heart is free
Empty sky, no way, that's me, cause the other half of my heart's asleep

  Lights, camera, action, satisfaction
At your finger tips no one's lacking stuff
But it's not enough when it seems that
We have enough stuff just to blow stuff up
Lights, camera, stop! We're killing ourselves
Just to get to the top
But we won't stop talking about what we got
And how we all love it when we're loved a lot
Enough about you, let's talk about me
And how everybody thinks I'm just so free
Free? Did you hear the verse that came first
And how my own body's waging war on me?  

I sang the song I wrote called 'Blasphemy' and recorded it.  I still had plenty time before Josh got here but I didn't want to record anymore.  It probably sounds like shit but I can't hear so I have no clue.  

My mom always tells me it sounds good but that's because she's my mom.  I don't mind her lying for my sake, I think it's sweet.  I can't wait until I can see for myself.  I learned piano pretty early.  I started learning at age 6, so two years of piano practice was enough for me to know which notes sound good together.  

The lights in both my room and the hallway flicker, letting me know that someone has rang the doorbell.  It's Josh. 

I open the door and hug him.  

"I recorded a song!" I said excitedly, regretting it right when it came out
"Can I hear it?" he asked
"Nope.  Not until after the implant.  Not until I know what it sounds like" I say
"So I'll hear it in about 2 and a half weeks!" He said happily
"About" I say



Tyjo: I'm going to the doctor tomorrow
Jishwa: Then I'm coming with
Tyjo: You'll miss school!
Jishwa: I'd rather miss school than miss you
Tyjo: You cheesy yet amazing boyfriend
Jishwa: that's me

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