Cynthias Call

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Ava: *sniffling Hey Cynthia
Cynthia: Ava talk to me what's wrong why are you crying?
Ava: Brad...I don't know what to do
Cynthia: What has he been doing to you that's making you feel that way?
Ava: he seems distant and secretive. Well the first sign was that he said that his Dad payed for everything for this trip! And you know their relationship isn't the best. Then he said something about a deal with his dad but he never told me what the deal was. I low key don't trust his dad.
Cynthia: I know what you mean girl that seems pretty fishy I guess.
Ava: another thing is that he...asked to marry me...
Cynthia: WHAT? WHY? THAT BOY IS CRAZY! What did you say!
Ava: I just looked at him confused then he said he was just messing with me and obviously he wasn't. He was embarrassed that I...rejected him. But what else does he expect we're not living in the 1800s!
Cynthia: I'm kinda confused though. What your telling me doesn't sound like him.
Ava: Ya I know right! He's been losing his temper or something. Oh and then it was the weirdest thing. So in the morning he wasn't there with me cUz he was apparently running errands. The next morning after that he came home earlier and I was watching the news. The police were on talking about how they were catching drug dealers and when Brad saw that, he turned it off. Then he was acting super nervous...Oh and when I asked to see what he bought for his errands he called it "private"
Cynthia: Private? Woah nothing should be private in a healthy relationship.
Ava: Ya I know!
Cynthia: Ava I have a theory...
Ava: Lemme hear it
Cynthia: what if Brad was...I don't wanna break your heart or anything it's only a theory...
Ava: it's ok I know just what do you think?
Cynthia: what if like his dad is forcing him to get married with you or something and then like he gets money from doing that???
Ava: ummm
Cynthia: yeah after saying that I realize how dumb that theory is...
Ava: *laughs There was another thing though. So I kind of didn't tell you yet but I met Timothée Chalamet and-
Ava: yes yes ok but listen we hung out and got to know each other and I got his number and when I went out for lunch with Brad we ran into him and Brad was being totally rude. He thought that Timothée was flirting with me and so he was showing him that he Claimed me. It was real bull and I was pissed.
Cynthia: Ugh ok for real if I was you I would be totally over with him. But you have a history with him and I don't know how you feel.
Ava: um one more thing though about's kind of dumb but I feel like Timothee likes me...
Cynthia: awww I bet he does
Ava: whatever it's just a thought probably not true though but I gotta go. Bye!
Cynthia: Ba bye

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