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Two hours and 100 games of Call of Duty later, you finally get hungry for lunch. "What do you want to eat?" He asks. "How about I make you something?" You say. "What no I should make you something you're my guest." You let out a laugh. "Timothée it's fine I insist. I'll make you something. You like BLTs?" You ask.
"Actually I prefer BLATs. You look at him and gasp. "Finally!" You say. "You're probably my only friend that likes avocado in their BLTs." Timothee grins. "I'm you're friend?" He says. You get a little embarrassed. "Uh yeah. I mean you've done a lot for me like helping me ever since like you know." All he does is smile back. "Well Ava you're ingredients are all in the fridge." He says pointing at it. You go into the kitchen and start prepping.

(10 minutes later)

The bacon had finally finished cooking and your toasted bread was laid out. You put some Mayo on both pieces of Bread then put on the avocado. Then you lay out the bacon, tomato and lettuce and slap the other piece of bread right on top. You carry the two plates over to the living room and give one to Timothée. "Sorry it took so long." You say. He takes a bite and his face lights up. "Oh wow no this was worth the wait." You laugh and thank him. You eat in silence for a little then ask him, "why are you doing this for me?" After he swallows his bite he laughs and says, "what're you talking about you made this killer sandwich for me." You chuckle a little but continue. "No I mean why am I here. Why are you still hanging out with me? Why are you doing things for me?" He runs his hands through his hair. As he speaks his voice breaks out of nervousness. "Well I just thought you were really nice on the seemed like a cool person to know. I wanted to be your....friend..." He doesn't look at you when he speaks. You knew why though. "Thanks." You say to him smiling. "What you're doing for me really means a lot, and I'm glad we've become friends too." He looks up and smiles awkwardly. "Alright well finish eating so I can play more Call of Duty." You yell laughing. He laughs too. "Didn't know you'd get so into it too"

 "Didn't know you'd get so into it too"

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Timothée's awkward smile

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