New Things

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You walked with Timothee and he took you to his apartment since you obviously wouldn't go back with Brad. When you guys got there he showed you to the bathroom so you could wash up your bloody nose. You were kinda of embarrassed by it. When you came out you see Timothee sitting on his kitchen countertop tending to his eye. "You ok?" You ask. He looks behind at you and smiles. "I'm in perfect condition." He jokes. you laugh and join him on the counter. "I'm so sorry about him doing that to you.." "no no don't be it wasn't your fault at all...I'm sorry about Brad." You look back up at him and smile. "It's...nothing...I'll be fine..." You both sit there for a couple minutes in silence. You think about what you were first gonna talk to him about at the beach but you don't feel like bringing up. "Timothee?" "Yeah" "do you have a spare bedroom I can use tonight?" You ask giggling a little. "Of course I do." He smiles. The rest of the day you and Timothee watch Netflix in his living room feeling totally worn out and tired. He orders pizza for the both of you and then you both eat ice cream out of the pint laughing while watching The office on Netflix. As the night winded down you told him you were going to sleep and he showed you to your room. "Thanks for letting me stay here..." "Of course" he responds. "Night" he shuts the door. You stand there for a little bit then lay down on the bed. You haven't felt this good in a while. You thought about Brad again. You should just forgot about him. You don't need's his fault. He's not the right guy for you. You turn on your phone and look at the photo of you and Timothee from the beach. Was it ok for you to do that though? You felt bad moving on so fast, but Timothée is a nice guy. He made you feel happy again. But should you go into a relationship again that fast. You smack your forehead, how do you even know if he likes you though. He's to good for you.

The sarcastic smile he gives you when you ask if he's ok

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The sarcastic smile he gives you when you ask if he's ok

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