I'm sorry

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Your POV

I was sitting at the kitchen table, yet again letting my paranoia get the best of me. Noodle was telling Russ about how great the movie was. And frankly, I had enjoyed my first day of freedom.

I saw that Blue Boy had come home. The Jeep was parked in the garage. I had hoped to see him in the living room or kitchen, but he wasn't there. I figured he went to take a nap or something. The kitchen table felt... absent.  Absent without him there. I couldn't help to be brought out of thought by Russ referring to Murdoc as "Murdoc Pickles" when he asked Noodle to call him down for lunch. Ha... Pickles...

I had seen Murdoc when we got home, sitting on the couch watching t.v.. Though he seemed to be unfocused on the show, deep in thought. Whatever he was contemplating, I've never seen him so engulfed. I thought it best to not interrupt him, though he now and again made trips upstairs and made phone calls.

I heard Murdoc and Noodle make their way into the kitchen, so I started helping Russ dish up food.

"Is Blue Boy coming down?" I asked, curiously.

"Actually..." Murdoc trailed off, sitting at the table. This caused Noodle, Russ and I to direct our gaze at him, waiting questioningly for him to finish his sentence.

"2D will be going away for a few days."

I raise my brow, "Why?"

"Personal issues." Murdoc said bluntly.

"Don't bullshit me Mudz, we're his family. We all would've known if he had 'personal issue'."

Murdoc stared at me coldly, taking his time to think his words through.

"There had been a recent development. And it's in his best interest to have some alone time." Murdoc grabbed a plate of food and slowly made his way out the kitchen. Before leaving completely, he turned around. "I'm taking him somewhere tomorrow. I'll bring his food to his room, where he'll be staying for the rest of the day. Please, don't disturb him unless completely necessary." With that, he turned and left.

I looked at Russel, a worried expression plastered on his face. Realising I was looking at him, he shook his head, trying to change the subject.

"The food's getting cold." he mumbled. Not getting the hint, Noodle took the words right out of my mouth.

"What's wrong with Toochie? Is he okay?"

Russel sighed uneasily, setting a plate of food down before her. "I honestly don't know baby girl... but if he needed us, he would've told us. At least he has Mudz."

"That's reassuring..." I said sarcastically, staring at the threshold where Murdoc had walked through. I was now utterly engulfed in paranoia. Was it about last night? Did Blue Boy tell Mudz anything? I had slowly begun to regret my arrival at Kong. Seems like since I've been here, so much shit had been going down with me being at the centre.

"You gon' eat?" Russel asked, squinting worridly.

"I'm good..." I said softly, making my way out the kitchen towards the stairs.

As I came to the top, I made  b-line to Blue Boy's room. The door was closed and I could hear a faint voice from inside. My curiosity got the best of me and I stepped closer. As I neared the door, it opened, revealing Murdoc. He closed the door behind him, standing in front of it like a guard.

"Can I help you?"

"I, umm... I just want to check up on..."

"He can't see anyone right now."

"He saw you..."

Murdoc sighed, putting his one hand on my shoulder. 2-dents is going to be fine. But he needs some time a..."

"Stuart." I cut him off.


"His name is Stuart, not 2-dents."

A painful smile crept over Murdoc's face. "This is why he has lasted this long..."

My heart skips a beat. "What do you mean?"

Murdoc places himself in front of the door, lighting a cigarette before sitting up against the door. "I'll let you talk to him before we leave tomorrow."

A cold chill of relief filled my body. "Promise?"


With that, I nodded, walking off to my room. I'm worried. I'm worried sick. I feel sick.

Pharmacy SEQUEL (2D x reader) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now