How Do You Do?

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Your POV

I didn't sleep. I couldn't. He was a few rooms away from me. A mere few steps. I could feel the pain he was enduring... It was times like these where I'd keep my mind busy with useless information. I remembered the time Google told me the abbreviations Mr and Mrs were actually short for Master and Mistress. Master... Who does he abide to? Murdoc? No. Murdoc has changed, he's proved that. Stuart is is own person... Just... Influenced by the means of others.

Frustrated, I shove my face into my pillow. Why am I thinking about this? I barely know what the fuck is going on. My stomach churns uneasily. Why am I... So scared? Josh is behind bars. I'll have a stable job, working with people I consider my friends. My life has never been more perfect. Why does it feel...

A soft knock on the door disrupts my thoughts. Noodle is still fast asleep, so I hurry to open it as to not awaken her. There he stood.


"Can I see him now?"

Murdoc scans me over with his eyes, his expression timid. "Did you even sleep last night?"

"Can. I. See. Him?" I asked again, a bit more annoyed.

He nods, walking towards Stuart's room. I follow, trying to shake the dreary tiredness off my shoulders. "What time is it?" I ask as we stop by his door.

"Seven." Mudz replies bluntly. It takes me a while to process that one single word. I nod.

"Him and I will be leaving in a few minutes... A promise is a promise. You can talk to him. He's awake already."

I stare at Mudz and then the doorknob. My body feeling numb under the weight of the unwelcoming uncertainty. I lift my hand hesitantly and reach for the knob. Mudz slowly walks away, glancing over his shoulder at me a few times before making his way downstairs. I finally gather up the courage to open the door.

"Blue Boy?"

There he was, packing in t-shirts in a raggedy old suitcase, turning to me. Face drained of life. His lips curved into something resembling a smile, but his eyes... His eyes were emotionless. I felt my heart lunge within me. I felt more helpless at the hands of his sorrow than I ever did at the hands of Josh's abuse. Reality around me shattered. Yet still, I mimicked him. Returning the mask he had put on his face. Returning his smile.

"Yew look worse fhan me, luv."

"Yeah, well... Night owl syndrome, I guess..."

He walked over to me slowly. My heart raced. My body electrified. I wanted him close to me... I wanted him near... He was leaving, it hit me. He gently enveloped me in a hug. His tall being slightly hovering over me. I cried.


"Ahm not well."

"You can be..."

"But not now."

He pulls away, lifting my chin so that we can make eye contact. I knew I wanted to see the world through his eyes. But these tears were more of a sick joke than anything else. I angrily wipe my tears, annoyed with how easily I lost my composure.

"Always wiff fhe strong front, aren't we?" he chuckled melancholic.

"Right back at you."

His smile dropped. He turns away and continues packing.

"Is it me? Are you leaving because of me?"

"As ah said, ahm not well..."

"And I guess it's just coincidental that you're not well since I've been here?"

He sighs out loud before turning to face me once more. "Ah don't kno' wot to tell yew anymore, Y/n."

"Do you remember..."

He stiffens. "Remember?"

"The night of my birthday..."

It was as if the world had stopped turning. We blankly stared at each other for what felt like hours. "Ahm not ready to hav dis conversation..."

"Will you ever be?" I needed to know if he'd be back... I had to know I hadn't lost him forever. He walked past me, making his way to the door. "Eventually..." he said, pausing.

"Stuart..." I didn't know where I was going with this sentence. His name hanged in the air for a while before he answered, "Fhat's mah name, getcha own." We both chuckled.

"Be safe... Please..."

"Yew too, Y/n. Ah love yew."

"I love you too."

As he walked out of sight, the words danced on my tongue. It was as if a mountain was lifted off my shoulders. "We're friends." I told myself. "Nothing more." I sat on his bed for a few minutes, rethinking what was said between us two before drifting off to sleep. In my dreams, he was still here.

Pharmacy SEQUEL (2D x reader) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now