Unwanted Trust

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I wake up naked. Quickly I sit up to find it's almost afternoon. Last night we had sex off and on for a few hours. I swallow nervously as I go to grab then put on my clothes. This isn't good. Once dressed I find Mr. Jones in the kitchen having something to drink. He greets me with a grin. I slightly smile. I don't know what to say to him right now. My heart is pounding. Sure I'm a grown up in college now but that doesn't change the fact that it might not be okay right? I swallow a hard lump in my throat. 

"Could you take me to my car so I can call a tow or something?" I ask. 

"I already called someone this morning to get it. I can take you home or you could relax here for a while if you like." He smiles. 

I become flustered. "I'd like to go home. If we hang out I know you won't want to go out to eat or do stuff." 

He stares at me for a few seconds. "I'm willing to go out and do something just this once okay?" 

My mouth drops. Is he joking like he does sometimes? There's no way. I know him pretty well. Going out and about isn't usually his forte. He's already dressed too. He just let me sleep in. He grabs his keys then we leave to go who knows where. I turn on the radio which of course is on the classical station. No surprise there. That's one of his favorite genres. I lay back into the passenger seat. We both end up humming along to the music. I can't stop thinking though. This doesn't count as a date. That isn't possible. He would never do that type of thing especially with someone like me. I'm not beautiful. Not in a long shot. 

He parks us at the side of a curb down the straight from the local boardwalk. I hop out and wobble when standing straight up. He gets out, puts in quarters in the toll machine, and we get on the boardwalk. I love it during the afternoon but once its night time the boardwalk truly comes alive and i love that even more. I start getting peppy and giddy as we walk down it. It always feels nostalgic being here. My smile continues to grow bigger once we stop to get something to eat. After eating at the pizzeria he has to use to bathroom so I wait outside at a nearby bench. A couple of guys stop next to me and start to flirt. I of course flirt back. Anything to forget about last night. 

Suddenly one of the guys sits down next to me then puts his hand on my upper thigh. I start to panic. I am not having sex again nor am I just going to go along with strangers. I try to push his hand off but he grips my thigh tightly. His fingers dig into my skin causing me to yelp. Mr. Jones runs towards me. 

"There you are honey. I was worried you got lost." He looks at the group of guys. "You okay sweetie? Do we have a problem here?" His tone goes darker and stricter. 

The guys leave in a rush. Next thing I know he holds out his hand. I take it and for the rest of the walk we are holding hands. I can't just not think we look either like a couple or family. I trust him. I used to trust him way more a few years ago. Now this trust is unwanted and I don't know what exactly to do. All I know is we ended up getting ice cream cones before he put his number in my phone and he dropped me off at my place. I waved goodbye as he pulled out of my driveway to go home. Within seconds I start feeling lonely. I shake my head and pinch myself. Nope. Never will I get weak kneed towards him ever. Not anymore that is what I promised myself. He was just spending time with me today because I didn't have a car or plans. I was a pity case like usual with him. I look down at the ground. So then why does my head feel heavy and my heart race? 

The Trust Between US (TeacherxStudent)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ