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I looked around the room to find Jungkook and realised he was in the shower as I heard the water running through the pipe and ending at the floor as it made loud splashing noises, following by his beautiful voice. I've never heard any of the band members sing except for Jimin in our younger years. I layed my back on the door while standing up listening to every note he hit.

"Will you stay by my side

Will you promise me

If I let go of your hand,

you'll fly away and break

I'm scared scared scared of that"

His voice sounded so soulful and sacred. It made me feel something I've never felt before. It made me reflect on my past but it didn't make cry. It made me feel stronger. He continued singing.

"Will you stop time

If this moment passes

As though it hadn't happened

I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you"

I felt that he sounded very genuine. Was it about his girlfriend? It felt like a love song. I mean what would he be scared to lose? Maybe it was me? Nooooo, that can't be. I'm making things up now. His voice reminded me a lot of this guy one time I met on the streets, Jungie.


(song: When night falls ; by: Eddy Kim)

"I need your love, take me

I need you now, hold me tight

In memories I've missed

I'm crying alone

I need your love, in your arms

I need you now, hold me tight

Only you can wake me up"

I heard music singing across the street as I was running away from two men that were trying to steal from me. They both were holding knives but before I could get away from them one of them threw it on the back of my shoulder. I collapsed on the arms of some guy wearing a mask and dark shades which I assumed was the singer. I fell in his arms and he grabbed me before I could hit the floor. I was carried in his arms with his face still unknown to me.


I was brought to an alley where no one was able to find us. He sat me down in an up right position and pulled out the knife without warning me. This triggered me to yell in pain and biting my lips to try and enduring it. "Yah! Who do—," I stopped speaking as I felt a liquid stinging my back which sent me to yell in pain. He grabbed a needle and surgical string and stitched me up. I grabbed his hand pushing him to the floor while I stood up stepping on his chest. "Why are you doing this?" I asked threateningly. He then grabbed my leg making me fall out of balance almost hitting the floor grabbing me to my landing.

"Mmm I was bored," he replied making his voice low. I think he didn't want me to recognise who he was. He had his entire face covered with a mask, dark shaded glasses and a beanie. He could be a creep and I wouldn't know. "You hungry?" he asked. I was starving to death. I had enough money for a bowl of ramen found at a connivence store. "It's on me," he said holding a lot of money.


It's been 3 years and Jungie, the guy that saved me, has been visiting me a lot making sure I ate and kept me busy during an entire day. He visits me once a week and even though it may not seem like a lot, it was to me. I've never had any friends in the streets and was always stuck alone. We talked a lot about our past lives and it was fun to be by his side but the problem was he couldn't give out his identity. I trusted him anyways because he was the only one that proved themselves to me that they're worth trusting. He provided me enough money to get through weeks. I could tell he was someone rich from the very first time we met, he was wearing clothes that were normally not found in these areas. But the following visits he tried fitting in. I oftenly talked a lot about Jimin and he was telling me to wait and that one day I would meet with him again.


It's been 4 months since Jungie's last visit. I'm starting to think he abandoned me like the rest of the people I loved. And this is the day where I'm ending it. I'm heading to the Seongbin bridge which was only a few miles from where I was. This was my only escape.

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