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 I found Jimin-ah by the frozen lake sitting on the frozen park benches. I realised the lack of clothing Jimin had and ran to him offering my jacket. "Here, you must be cold," I said removing my jacket but he stopped me.

"Stop, I dont want you to be cold," he said acting very pissed. I wanted to apologise to him but I didn't know what to be sorry for. The fact that Jungkook kissed me was his own fault. I didn't ask for it. "Why did you kiss him?" he asked still looking at the pond and not sharing me a glance.

"You know I didn't, he did," I said holding his hands to try and warm them but he pulled away. "Look I—," I said before he cut me off.

"I like you," he said now looking at me. He was looking at me very differently now. I mean I like him too, nothing new.

"Yeah, I know that Jimin. I like you too," I said squeezing his cheeks. But he quickly replied back clearing up what he actually meant. He was talking about a whole different level of 'I like you'.

"No, Hee-young-ah," he said now holding my face, "I like like you." I can't believe my eyes. He likes me. I don't what I felt about him. I didn't want to force myself to liking him because that would be unfair for the both of us. Our faces were leaning even closer now. I could sense his breath collide with mine and as our lips were about to touch someone interrupted.

"Well two can play that game," Jungkook said making us diverge. He was now sitting at the other end of the bench, leaving me in the middle of these two guys. I felt the tension between them and it felt like I had to pick but I wasn't going to do that. It felt unfair for me to make a difficult decision so I stood up limping to get away from the both of them.

"Where are you going?" they both said in sync. They hurried over to me trying to help me keep in balance. I knew I wasn't going to get away from them if I didn't give each of them a speech. So here I go.

"Listen, Jimin-ah. I was going to burry the fact that you never called me once and that you never wrote and you never met me after the prom. I tried to forget the misery you caused me leaving me in the streets alone to suffer. But, I moved past that and I'm glad now that we're friends but now you're saying you like me. It's a lot to process so please the least you could give me in return for the time you lost with me is well time," I said looking at Jimin and then I switched positions to Jungkook, "Jungkook...I don't know what to say. I barely know you and you expect me to feel the same as you do. I suggest you stop acting like everything is a game because I'm not waiting to be played. Just truly reflect on how you feel because I don't think I'm the right one for you." They both grabbed my hands as I turned away. "I don't want to see another bruise or injury on the two of you," I said and let go of their hands and went my own way. I didn't know where I was going to go but I wanted and needed some space.


I walked for hours reflecting on myself and on what both of them said. I found myself in the middle of one of the bridges in Seoul. I could hear cars passing by sending cold breezes left and right from where I stood at. I don't know why I felt safe in bridges now. I felt like I had full control. Bridges were my only escape. I rested my arms on the rusted metal rails leaning all my weight forwards. The lights of the city started to light all up which brought beauty. I stared into the slightly frozen water below the bridge and it started to snow. I've always gotten used to the cold weathers since I've had to endure it during the winter times in the streets. I saved enough money to get through that season, buying a couple of blankets. But, ever since Jungie arrived that day I didn't have to live there anymore during the winter seasons. I was bought to a small home but under circumstances I had to leave as soon after a month. He offered so many things to increase my comfort but I refused and felt that it was the right thing to do. I really wanted to meet him. I really wanted to see how we was doing. I really wanted to tell him how I feel. The truth is, I had some buried feeling about Jungie. He always was kind to me, made me feel safe, and never abandoned me until he actually did. That's what had made me hate him, he promised me that he would always find me but that doesn't look like that anymore. I rested my cheeks on my hands and my elbows on the rails. I let out a big sigh. I heard multiple footsteps coming to my directions and chose to ignore it. Until three guys all with beer belly's grabbed my hand. I pulled back with all my might, but it was no use.

"Carry her," one of the guys said. Cars sped fast without having a clue what was happening, due to the fog and snow. I felt invaded and violated and prayed even to God to get out of this mess. Tears started to form in my eyes and memories from the past started to cloud in. I kept kicking and screaming, but there was no use.

"Hee-young-ah, I was waiting for you!," someone said casually, "Put her down before I call the cops." They dropped me to the floor and I groaned in pain while they ran for their lives. I got up to see who it was, Yoongi. He let out a hand without looking at me and said, "Gaja!" only escape.. (COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora