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 "Did they bring you here?" I asked crossing both my arms. We were walking down iced sidewalks and I could tell Yoongi was freezing and so I offered my jacket.

"Yeah, Jimin and Jungkook brought me here," he then looked at my jacket, "You sure you won't get cold?" I nodded and he took it. He then still continued shivering but it started to lessen the more we walked. "Stop that crying, you're making me feel uncomfortable," he said in a sort of teasing way. I then started to laugh and he slightly smiled.

"So how was Jimin doing for the past years?" I asked curiously. I was eager to know what he had been up to that he couldn't spare some time for me.

"Ahh, he was focused on dancing for a while, had eating problems, constantly stressed, always tried to a put a smile on other's faces, he never gave himself time to relax..." he said going down a long list. This made me feel bad about the things I said before. He was after all K-pop star and I was some girl in the streets, he would obviously put more of his time on something more productive.

"Oh wow. Well, what about Jungkook?" I asked. There was no reason for me to mention his name and yet I did.

"He well, he's the best of our dance line and vocal line so he focuses on those a lot, he visited someone quite a lot but then stopped due to the packed schedules and this made him start to womanise girls," he said. We were now at the lobby of the hotel. I wonder who broke his heart for him to go that far and use girls. That disgusted me and it made feel bad at the same time.

"Oh and why do—" I asked before he stopped me by covering my mouth. I ended up mumbling the question I wanted to ask with his hand still on my mouth.

"You ask too many questions. Remember I'm not that social," he said pressing the 'up' arrow of the elevator. The elevator doors suddenly opened and all that was on my mind was the fact I couldn't sleep in Jungkook's room, at least not right away after what he said. And so I quickly got in the elevator before he closed the doors on me.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" I said smiling innocently. I was planning on staying in his room for the night. He was the next best thing. He seemed quite annoyed by that question.

"No," he said with no expression whatsoever. I had to figure a another way to convince because he wasn't going to go down so easily. So I brought up Jimin and Jungkook.

"Oh what to do? If I sleep in the alley floor tonight I wonder how Jimin-ah and Jungkook-ah are gonna react. Mmm they might beat you up but what does it have to do with me? Oh right nothing. Well I hope you sleep well tonight and good luck in the morning," I said with a scheming voice. I admit that was wrong for me to do but there are lengths I must go to 'survive' in this world. The elevator doors opened and I quickly exited.

"Stop!" he said and I held a halt and had the biggest smile on my face. I rushed over to him holding his arms very excitedly.

"Don't worry, I will sleep on the floor," I said smiling, "I will be the best roommate you will ever have." He rolled his eyes in response to my excitement. I knew he wasn't a very touchy and social person but I knew he could over past that stage when he got to know me. He opened his room doors and I could already see his roommate sleeping. I couldn't tell who he was because honestly they all look the same but I would later on identify them easily. A phone started to buzz and I'm guessing it was Yoongi's phone. I was already lying on the floor trying to get comfortable with a small pillow for my head and a mini blanket.

"Yoongi-ah, did you bring her safely?" it was Jungkook on speaker, "Wait, who is that? Yah! Is she sleeping on the floor?" I covered my ears and stood up. "I'm going to your room right now!" he said acting like my mom. I rolled my eyes to his statement. What the hell does he want now? I heard knocking on the door and I knew it was him. How did he get here so fast though? "Hee-young-ah come out here," he said demandingly. only escape.. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now