T h e P a s t

34 13 4

The last time that you thought of me,
The last moments we shared
The last time that I held your hand,
I knew that you cared

The last time that you were with me,
We lived in a series of todays
We didn't consider breaking apart,
Till it was time to part our ways

The last time that you smiled at me,
Will be the one thing I'll remember
I never got to see your tears at the end,
Only the laughs when we were together

The last time that I was in your arms,
I didn't know it would be our last
Our goodbyes never happened so they didn't taint,
Our vibrantly painted past

The last time that I saw your face,
I saw love and that was all
I would've broken into smaller fragments,
If not for that phone call.


Perhaps you did love me. You loved me so much that you placed my happiness as your first priority.
You knew that if you'd ended it in person, it wouldn't have just been a broken relationship. Two broken hearts and minds would have followed.

Through the call, you made it easier for me to move on and put our story in the past.

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