B l o o m

31 13 2

Every day she walked,
Watering can in hand
She smiled at the lady,
At the newspaper stand

Around her, the city bustled about,
And she loved her home without a doubt

Waving a hello to the boy on the bike,
She caught a whiff of the smoke she sure did dislike

Every day she walked,
Watering can in hand
She went around the city,
Showing love to the plants

Around her, the city danced about its way,
So she went up to the people and told them what she wanted to say

One by one, they started to make an impact,
All of it began with the smallest of acts

Trickling in were thousands of hands,
As everyone chipped in to save the land

Every day she watered,
But now she wasn't alone,
From one plant, a chain reaction had grown

The newspaper lady, the boy on the bike,
Together they got rid of the smoke they disliked

Where joy cascades, there once was gloom,
When she planted change, love had bloomed.


The sun doesn't care whether we watch it rise or not. It will continue being beautiful, irrespective of who is there to appreciate it.

Small acts lead to big impacts. One match can start a wildfire.
Ignite change.
Fuel a revolution.
Burn the negativity.
Be that match.

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