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~Alex Do me a favor. Don't change!

I watch as the messages come through.

~I wasn't planing on it. But what bought up this request?

~You just spent half an hour of your time making me feel better and talking in circles when you didn't even know what was wrong.

Confused, I stare at the screen.

~Why wouldn't I? You were down, what's so special about that?

~It shows you care.

I smile to my self

~I always will.
~I will be right here to pick you up when you fall.

~Thank you.

Two years later

I hear someone crying further down the hall way. The sound is muffled like the person is trying to hide it. I walk towards them and see a big figure sitting on the ground. His face is covered by his hands. I know who it is yet I still sit next to him.

"Hey." He doesn't jump. He knew I was here.


"You told her didn't you, that you liked her?" He looks up at me, his eyes are red.

"Do you even know who she is?" I shake me head. "Then what makes you think that's what this is?"

"Mate I could argue that I know you the best in this school. And a girl is the only thing that can make you act this way."

"Why do you care what happened. You have been ignoring me for over a year, suddenly you care? What is up with you, you can't just do that." His voice is higher then normal, thick with emotion.

I look down at my hands.

"You of all people should know that a promise is held high in my mind. And didn't I say that I would always be here to pick you up when you are down?" He nods so I stand. "A little fall out isn't going to change that now is it Mark?" I extend my hand and a small smile appears on his face, it is soon pulled away but I saw it, there is hope still. "Here I am the pick you up. The question is, will you forgive me?" I stand there for a while, I'm about to turn away when I feel his big hand cover mine. A smile apears on his face, small but real. Something I haven't seen in a while.

"I guess I could make some arrangements." Laughing I pull him down the hall with me and out of the school.

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